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new thoughts

by frankie_n_baby on Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:24 pm
While browsing the list of WAHMs and looking at various products, I am again wondering about washable sanitary wear, and mooncups. Not sure about whether the mooncup is right for me, and wondering about the many different pads available. For some time I'd been wondering about all those unpleasant disposables (pads and tampons) and how they end up, and how damn much we have to spend in a lifetime for something that's not in any way in our control. It seems unfair that they...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:29 pm
OK, so I am sorry to everyone who is reading and waiting for a positive blog but this is not it :oops: , though hopefully it wont be too much of a self pity mission either :wink: .
I am just starting to feel like everything is dragging out, my days are all rolling into one (I hate to think how OH must be feeling)...

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This mornings lesson!

by nic1 on Sun May 17, 2009 5:31 pm
It went really well today, enjoyed it lots. Alfie was good in canter and Emma also did a couple of short canters too on Twix her pony!! :wine: :wine:
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by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:49 pm
I haven't really got anything important to say today tbh but I wanted to document the fact that I had my booking appointment and the midwife (Tracey) was fab and lovely and very supportive of my having a homebirth. It has certainly made it feel like I am now pregnant again now that I know things are moving again. Had my first bloods taken and all the other tedium that goes with a booking appointment, but it was lovely!
Also I found baby's heartbeat this morning ...

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Latest purchase

by june2007 on Fri May 28, 2010 9:05 pm
Ok I have spent my voucher on 1 Blueberry Minki,1 Blueberry bamboo and 1 I think it was an easy peasy nappy. As well as a baby gown, wet nappy bag and some liners. £75.00 didn't get as much as I thought it would. But at least I have some new nappies to try and some funky ones for bump due in july. DD only has them at night thesedays.
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