
Survey answered by docmaggoo

Adults christmas decoration swap sign up here!

Answered on Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:20 am
Updated on Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:30 pm

Adults Christmas Decoration Swap 2014

  1. Is your profile address up to date?


  2. Do you have a colourscheme/theme for your decorations? If so please state what it/they are.

    A complete mixture!

  3. Do you prefer traditional or modern decorations?

    I love traditional ones

  4. Anything else your swappee may need to know (eg any dietary requirements should your swappee want to send something edible)

    No latex/rubber bands- I'm anaphylactic allergic!!

  5. Have you posted your parcel?


  6. Have you received your parcel?


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