
V3 easyfits for a heavy wetter ?

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V3 easyfits for a heavy wetter ?

Postby LynniferT » Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:11 pm

I'm looking for some easy nappies for DH and grandparents to use when they take DD out.

After looking at some reviews i'm wondering if the new easyfits would last my heavy wetter... Anyone have any experience of using these and them lasting a super wee'r??

We currently have flip organics for DH and other carers and have to boost with a little lamb bamboo to get 3 hours, so not sure whether to get more flips or go for an easyfit!


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Re: V3 easyfits for a heavy wetter ?

Postby fivefourfour » Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:29 pm

We have some v3s and they cope well with my daughter (although we're potty training atm) who is 3 so holds on to wee forever and then lets go all at once.

It does us well, we do pop a booster in, but they go for over three hours, and they dry super quickly, which is a massive bonus...

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Re: V3 easyfits for a heavy wetter ?

Postby LynniferT » Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:37 pm

I may have to purchase one then as I'm curious to see if they'll hold up to DD's mega wee's!!

Although I might hold off til Real Nappy Week and see if they have any offers on :D

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Re: V3 easyfits for a heavy wetter ?

Postby cara2244 » Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:08 pm

I use easy fits on my daughter when I want them to last longer, boosted with a little lambs bamboo. I use BGs At home, again boosted with a ll. easy fits have gone 5 hours before and I've never had a leak, whereas I've had a couple of leaks with pockets when I've forgotten to change her (oops).

I ordered two new ones from fil your pants this morning at £12 something each. Sadly it is the colours not the prints. I would like some of the prints but they are pricey.
Annoyingly the new versions are more boyish colours and designs.

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Re: V3 easyfits for a heavy wetter ?

Postby Mumof5 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:35 am

I have a couple of the new easyfits and I do like them, but I still prefer flips. I find a flip organic will last longer than an easyfit.

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Re: V3 easyfits for a heavy wetter ?

Postby 0_Lisa_0 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:48 am

I can only compare with the teenyfits but AFAIK they are the compositions. I boost with a ll bamboo insert and apart from ll and wool they are my go to nappy. The new v3 far outperforms the v2 and I love them! Holly can be a power pee'r too ;)

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Re: V3 easyfits for a heavy wetter ?

Postby LynniferT » Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:14 am

Well i couldn't wait for RNW so bought one from FYP last week have been testing it out...on my heavy wetter it will last roughly 3 hours before we get wicking and leaks on her leggings...and that was boosted with one little lamb bamboo. (size 1)

I did try 2 ll bamboo but DD did a huge poop in it before i could see how long it lasted :roll: will be boosting with a charcoal bamboo booster next as i happened to find one today, lurking in the nappy box!

I have bought 2 more in the RNW offers as 3 hours for us is pretty good and they are a good fit on my 20mth old. (still didn't stop me buying more flip organics and some of the new colour flips wraps though :oops: :giggle: )

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Re: V3 easyfits for a heavy wetter ?

Postby cara2244 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:00 pm

Wow she is an Olympic wetter! Saying that, my DS used to have 2 BG microfibres and 2-3 little lambs. His bum looked so fat!

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Re: V3 easyfits for a heavy wetter ?

Postby cara2244 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:01 pm

It'll get more absorbent after w few washes too.


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