Grunting, groaning and fussing all night.

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Re: Grunting, groaning and fussing all night.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:43 am
by Kim
DH has read all the stuff but it has no affect on him, think he believes it is all made up.
Willow falls asleep during every feed which does make it difficult to bring her wind up sometimes. I do think it could be down to wind and she does have a silent reflux as well. I am going to keep resisting and I might just buy him some ear plugs.

Re: Grunting, groaning and fussing all night.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:54 am
by JabberJabber
Hi Kim, Is it possible to wake Willow up a bit more for a feed? I know that I and others on here have had to take some layers off our little ones to wake them up a bit more to get a good feed in, and then to wind them. I know that it does sound counter-intuitive, but it might help.

Re: Grunting, groaning and fussing all night.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:53 am
by Dancing mum
My LO has reflux and when younger had colic so night time was often very unsettled too. Have you tried tilting her Moses basket a bit? If she has silent reflux and / or trapped wind it can help to slightly elevate her so can try putting a few books under the head end of her Moses basket or folded towel under her mattress so she is slightly elevated head and shoulders higher than feet (if you see what I mean).
The other thing my HV told me was to keep her upright for 20 mins after every feed to help with reflux! I know this sounds like the last thing you want to do in the middle of the night when she fallen asleep and you're shattered but it really did help her. With my baby I would cuddle her upright against me sitting up in bed and 9/10 times she'd stay asleep. It was exhausting and I would really struggle to stay awake but it did give her a much better sleep over all as she wasn't throwing up nearly as much (so I could visibly see it was working).
If she is more comfortable with her silent reflux and possible trapped wind she will hopefully be more settled over all... And don't worry it won't last forever, after a few months she didn't need keeping upright any more (but still needs lots of winding but hopefully Willow may be better with her wind).
Hope you find something that works >:D<

Re: Grunting, groaning and fussing all night.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:37 am
by Soupdragon
I was going to ask about wind, too. When you say kicking her legs, is it kicking or is she bringing them up to her chest? If the latter, that's usually a sign of wind. You could try cycling her legs after a feed. That can get rid of trapped wind via, erm, the other route. ;)

Re: Grunting, groaning and fussing all night.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:35 am
by clothmama
I agree with the others, well worth a go of spending that extra time to burp her!
Kim wrote:DH has read all the stuff but it has no affect on him, think he believes it is all made up.
Willow falls asleep during every feed which does make it difficult to bring her wind up sometimes. I do think it could be down to wind and she does have a silent reflux as well. I am going to keep resisting and I might just buy him some ear plugs.
:evil: that is a shame he won't listen :hug: Ear plugs sound like a good plan!!! I loooooove my earplugs :love: they let me sleep odd hours without being to disturbed by snoring / cars / kids etc! I'll really miss using them when baby gets here but I'd be scared of not hearing him!

Have you tried extra burping - any improvement @Kim ?

Re: Grunting, groaning and fussing all night.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:04 am
by Kim
She has done a lot better the past couple of nights, I have been sitting up with her after her feeds and she is getting a bit of wind up (and some down) DH has developed the ability to sleep through the night now which is good.

Re: Grunting, groaning and fussing all night.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:46 am
by clothmama
Kim wrote:She has done a lot better the past couple of nights, I have been sitting up with her after her feeds and she is getting a bit of wind up (and some down) DH has developed the ability to sleep through the night now which is good.

Win win!!! :thumbsup: :giggle: