
Me and my Part Time EC experience

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Me and my Part Time EC experience

Postby anothersquish » Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:23 pm

OOO pretty new section!
Going to keep this fairly short as Im tired but wanted to pop a post in the shiney new EC section!

I started EC 'late' with T at 8 months. I heard about it whilst pregnant but didnt 'get' it but I heard more and more about it and became intrigued. I tended to know when T was going to pee as well as poop right from him being a newborn so even though he was 'late' too it we both picked it up pretty quickly using the hold over the toilet method and cloth as 'back up' when out and cloth at night. My little trial period went so well I wondered why on Earth I hadnt done EC from birth and why more people didnt do it, it just made so much sense at the very least whilst we were in the house. It saved him from soiling himself and also helped a tiny bit on the environmental front....we went from using 8-10 nappies a day to using 2-3, halving our washing machine usage.
When T reached 15 months he started yelling "wee wee!" well before he peed and wanting to take himself to the toilet which proved a bit of a problem as he was far too little to manage so I grudginly bought him a potty which he has been using ever since. He is very aware of when he needs to go and 90% of the time takes himself to the toilet, even when we are out. He has had no 'accidents' but has chosen to pee in a nappy twice and every now and again has found it funny to go water the plants outside :roll: :giggle:
I still use cloth at night as he still wets a LOT overnight and if we are going out and I know I will be distracted (read nattering to someone :oops: ) I pop some form of nappy or absorbent pant on him just incase as I dont want him upset by wet pants.

I have not followed any book or method, just learnt a little from what I read of other peoples EC stories and went with what I felt suited us. IMO thats the thing with EC, its not about going 'nappyless' and its not about early potty training either (though it is common for EC children to toilet train earlier, just like its common for cloth bummed babies to toilet train earlier than sposie ones) its about suiting each individuals lifestyle, its not all or nothing ;)

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Cloth Nappy Ninky Nonk

Re: Me and my Part Time EC experience

Postby beck » Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:00 am

Sounds like its worked really well for you. When I get my bfp I'll be asking lots more questions.

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Re: Me and my Part Time EC experience

Postby Mungo » Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:23 am

Great to see the new section :thumbsup:

We started at a similar time to you, around 8 months. DS still wees in his nappies but very rarely poos - we catch most of those on the potty. He LOVES his potty and will happily sit and read on there :giggle:

I'm lucky that his nursery agreed to use the potty when he's there too.

I wish I'd found out about ECing earlier , it's brilliant and I'd consider doing it from birth if I had another baby.

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Re: Me and my Part Time EC experience

Postby mamavan2 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:24 pm

When T reached 15 months he started yelling "wee wee!" well before he peed and wanting to take himself to the toilet which proved a bit of a problem as he was far too little to manage so I grudginly bought him a potty which he has been using ever since. He is very aware of when he needs to go and 90% of the time takes himself to the toilet, even when we are out. He has had no 'accidents' but has chosen to pee in a nappy twice and every now and again has found it funny to go water the plants outside

My DD1 started to go to her potty on her own at around 18 months. It took some time before she understood the pants part so she has been wearing legwarmers for a few months. We bought her a foldable stool for in the toilet so she could get on the toilet on her own. looks like this own.
It didn't take her long to find out were els so use it for (climbing over the stair gate) so now it has a nice string to keep it in place :giggle: .
Oh and she love's to water the plants to (and fertilize :oops:(she knows by know that whe prefer the toilet for those :giggle: ).

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