
PP 3: Cloth at night

Do you use cloth nappies overnight?

Total votes : 29
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Re: PP 3: Cloth at night

Postby little1 » Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:22 pm

We always used cloth at night with dd but DS is a power piddler with really sensitive skin and eczema, he gets bad nappy rash if he sleeps through in cloth so we use compostable sposies most nights. I do occasionally put an iish fly nite or puddlekins on him at night and get DH to change him before he goes to work at 5am.

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Re: PP 3: Cloth at night

Postby gilbertandmartha » Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:19 pm

I started out with all 3 in dispo's at night, then with the twins we went to cloth at night fairly early on. but with Lola she got so big so quickly I waited a fair while. then she started out-peeing the dispos so I basically thought if i've got to get her into a dispo and fleece shorts I may as well go the whole hog.

So she currently has 2 WN night nappies, 1 WAHM made no idea of the name but ever so soft, and 1 sbish which is my least favourite but does the job, i'm just waiting for my woolies to lanolise so I can use them.

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Re: PP 3: Cloth at night

Postby Frances » Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:32 pm

Always always cloth. Jasmine is adamant that it's more comfortable and I don't want the kids in stinky sposies a full 12 hours of the day. We use lots of different ones, no real favourites as such.

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Re: PP 3: Cloth at night

Postby monsterm » Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:01 pm

Amelie still has nappies at night & I'm horrified to say they are posies. She was always an absolute power wee'er & just before she started potty training the superwetter puddlekins & LLS were not lasting the night anymore. I switched to disposables thinking it would only be a month tops because Maddy trained at night very quickly. Here we are more than a year later & still using nappies at night. I tried to put her back into the cloth but those superwetters are bulky & she refused them :cry:

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Re: PP 3: Cloth at night

Postby itsclothforus » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:15 pm

I dont get on with cloth at night, too scared of leaks and woth both children in bed with us i want a dry bed lol so its asda sposies for both of them

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Sucker for Cloth Nappies

Re: PP 3: Cloth at night

Postby aimeet » Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:24 pm

We tried with Penny but I couldn't afford anything absorbant enough for her big wees. I'm thinking of trying Evie as she seems to not be so bad and we use wool about half the time at home anyway.


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