
What do you do when you go away?!

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Re: What do you do when you go away?!

Postby cherobanne » Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:46 pm

We've only been on holiday in the UK since Matthew was born. Both times I've just taken pocket nappies. The first time we had a washing machine but no tumbler or outside line - I ended up making a make-shift line by tying a couple of fabric belts between two suitcase handles!

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Re: What do you do when you go away?!

Postby jules070603 » Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:15 pm

When we go abroad I take disposables, I think even if I had a washer I would, scared of loosing all the nappies :shock:

Here, if I have a washer I take cloth. When we went to Devon the first time I took fluffles (dry in an instant) and the second time pockets. If I go away for a weekend I take enough for the weekend without washing and use wet bags to store them in.

We really missed the nappies though, even DH.


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