
Should I buy size one nappies.

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Re: Should I buy size one nappies.

Postby Debbie81 » Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:57 pm

just to offer a different view point, i have quite a skinny baby but she's long. even still my size one tots bots fluffles (old skool! :D) are still fitting her fine. she's nearly 5 months. i am starting to move on now because she needs a trimmer fit for mobility but i can see my size one's fitting her for a lot longer yet. it does depend on your babba though. i have also heard nothing but good things about fuzzi buns btw.

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Re: Should I buy size one nappies.

Postby girlinleeds » Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:11 pm

We use mainly btp pockets and have done since we started using cloth at 4 weeks. she was only 6lb 9 when she was born and was under 8lb when we switched and she fitted bumgenius really well and thet still fit her now at 27 months it really is a bit of trial and error xx

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Re: Should I buy size one nappies.

Postby span78 » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:48 am

We got a few sized and a few one sized. Started off with sized but soon moved on to one sized and got a good fit, especially with bum genius. My baby was 8lb9 though and is quite long so really does depend on size of baby.

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Re: Should I buy size one nappies.

Postby Bugglyboo » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:30 am

For us, sized would have been a waste of money as Ed is 16 weeks and he's been in btp since 5 weeks. He is a big baby though, 8lbs1oz at birth and 18lbs at 16 weeks. We would probably have been in mediums by the time that we started using cloth.

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Re: Should I buy size one nappies.

Postby Frances » Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:13 am

I mainly used sized with Jasmine, Bumgenius and Blueberries worked really well for us, and still fit her

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Re: Should I buy size one nappies.

Postby Shamu » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:18 am

I've always used sized nappies from birth. Dd2 has only just outgrown her size 1 tots at 6 months and it was the same with ds and dd1. I had a few new-born nappies and muslins for the early days abd used size ones from a couple of weeks old. I have some one size fuzzis and can't imagine using th on dd2 as a new-born as they'd have swamped her and she was 10lb!!!!

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Re: Should I buy size one nappies.

Postby zippie-purple-monkey » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:43 am

We use a mix of sized fitteds & wool and one sized pockets. They fit both my lo's since birth as they we're both over 8lbs, and u simply take out any absorbency thats not required, which stops the bulky look. We used wonderoos V1 and 2. With DD the fit of both was good,she's perfectly proportioned, and did last until she potty trained. Different story with DS, as he's slim but has really chunky thighs. With wonderoos v2 I just couldn't get a good fit on him, so have sold them in favour of Real Easy sized pockets (which are fabulous). My fave one size has to be the old style wonderoo's. I still have a set i bought 3yrs ago and they're still going strong. We occasionally get wing droop, but i still love them. HTH


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