
More leaks yet again!

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Re: More leaks yet again!

Postby Aeseldyr » Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:25 am

clothmama wrote:Good luck with the strip wash, hopefully it will help! You shouldn't really need to be strip washing that regularly as long as you aren't using too much detergent (which sounds like you aren't). What brand have you been using? I know ecover has a particularly bad reputation with cloth nappies, lots of girls on here have had issues with smell etc when using. It is worth giving bio a go.

However sounds like leaks are your biggest current issue. How often do you change him? Is the green one a Little Lambs one size? You said you haven't been having leaks for a while but so you don't get discouraged about cloth in general I have never been able to get them to work for me, they leak every single time regardless of what I stuff them with, I have no idea why they are so terrible on Rémy - the cheapest of the Chinese cheapies I have work better! I'm so devastated about this as I just love the prints so much and really, really loved the sized ones we had in size one, they were just bomb proof and awesome even when he was really tiny (and until then I'd never been a fan of pockets on tinies).

As others have said they often change shape really quickly and nappies fit differently. As to the rise, we've only just gone into the biggest rise at 16 months.

Unfortunately I have the same experience with LL OS - they just did not work :evil: Only had a couple though

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Re: More leaks yet again!

Postby Bumboleo » Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:29 pm

Hmmmm I am thinking it may be a LL OS issue actually now you mention it. I haven't made note of which ones have been leaking but LLs do make up about half our stash so he's likely to have been in one of them. How gutting! They are gorgeous nappies but are on the large side to begin with anyway. Hm. I didn't know they did sized versions.

I thought it was best to go OS for value for money but for the next baby I'm leaning towards sizeds.

We were out from 2-4:30 and a Milovia OS pocket with bamboo and hemp inserts lasted all that time with no leaks.

The inserts were saturated where he wees, yes, and dry-ish (damp by this point actually) at the back.

Strip wash - I've done 3 rinse-plus-es. I was out for the last one so couldn't be on bubble-watch, but by the second rinse there were hardly any bubbles so just put it on again for safety.

Might eliminate all the LLs then for now and see if it makes a difference.

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Re: More leaks yet again!

Postby clothmama » Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:24 pm

Bumboleo wrote:Might eliminate all the LLs then for now and see if it makes a difference.

Sadly well worth a try @Bumboleo - let us know how you go!

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Re: More leaks yet again!

Postby Bumboleo » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:03 am

Good morning!

Right so I just picked the baby up from an hour at crèche and his trousers were wet. A strip-washed Charlie Banana (beautiful fit, I promise!) stuffed with a flat (not folded over) hemp on top of a bamboo (LL booster) leaked. I put it on at 9:15 and picked him up at 10:30. Leaked out the back of his legs and a bit out the top at the front. Inserts totally soaking at the front and damp at the back.

I gave him a bottle at 9:15 so I guess he just did a massive wee? He woke up from a 1.5hr nap at 9 and that nappy (cotton terry) was dry.

So I suppose it looks like I need to change my nappy filling again?

Shall I go for 2 hemps? Or a microfibre and a hemp? I thought microfibre was like a sponge though and just squeezed liquid out when sat upon.

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Re: More leaks yet again!

Postby clothmama » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:30 am

How many layers are your hemp inserts? If they are only thin and you are only using 1 LL then I'd say yoru problem is you are not boosting enough! The LL ones are great but they are no where near thick enough just one if only in combo with something else thin.

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Re: More leaks yet again!

Postby Aeseldyr » Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:38 am

Not sure how many layers of hemp you got, but agree with Tory. LL bamboo is a booster and is not enough unless you have something else. My hemp inserts that I have been using together with LL have 3 or 4 layers a 1-2 layer would never have worked here.

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Re: More leaks yet again!

Postby Bumboleo » Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:27 pm

I have no idea how many layers of hemp are in the hemp inserts... They're probably like 6mm thick :-s they were preloved from the boards here and don't have labels.

I could remove the bamboo then and do 2 hemp inserts, but any more boosting than that and they nappies will be gappy around the legs.

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Re: More leaks yet again!

Postby Aeseldyr » Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:53 pm

Do you have some thin microfiber inserts? Or perhaps just a cloth of microfiber from the kitchen?
Then I would test if this would work:
Microfiber on top
Bamboo under
Hemp at bottom

The reason for this is that microfiber absorbs quickly and bamboo and hemp a slower but Can contain more. If he wees alot at once maybe he needs something that is quicker than bamboo and hemp.
The microfiber cloths that are used as kitchen cloths work fine and are not as thick as the insert ones (bumgenius and the like).

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Re: More leaks yet again!

Postby Bumboleo » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:52 pm

Thanks for the tip re. the household microfibre cloths! Are they really absorbent enough? I guess they're just to catch the initial wee until the hemp can catch up.

Anyway, following your advice I tried Charlie Banana microfibre insert on top of a hemp insert today. Was pleased with the fit. 2 one hour+ car journeys today, the nappies were fine for those. Then we did have a leak over lunch, which was odd as he was only in it about an hour. Probably a combo of water plus bottle plus sitting down?

Anyway I have noticed lately that sometimes I go to change him and his nappy is bone dry. If it's not bone dry then it's saturated! So looks like he's doing fewer, bigger wees now. Is that a thing?

Thanks for all your advice, what would I do without this site!!!


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