BumGenius - am I alone here? Bit of a moan...


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BumGenius - am I alone here? Bit of a moan...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:07 pm
by DevonLou
I have to admit, after several BumGenius BTP months, I'm not really a big fan. Although they look a great fit at first, Bea runs around and pretty soon they are gappy round the legs, wing droop, etc. So, we get both wicking and poo leaks. Plus, they wick around her tummy/tabs during naps (she's a front sleeper) even though I try to ensure the stuffing is not up to the edge. They are stained inside and tatty around the tabs, and today, one of Bea's big yucky poos managed to travel inside the pocket opening which was pretty grim to remove (having the pocket opening low down just annoys me!) Last straw - the leg elastic went in one yesterday (though wonderful Ali at the Totnes Nappy Company is replacing it, no probs.)

Anyway, moan over. On the plus side nursery like them, although they have twice managed to put it them on backwards! :wink:


PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:13 pm
by kathmac
I must say mine has gone quite tatty on the velcro bit. Also a few stiches have come undone around the tab bit.

We get a really good fit with them and haven't had any leaks, we can get nearly four hours out of them.

I could do with some more, but I cannot quite justify paying that amount for them when I is starting to look tatty and coming undone.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:13 pm
by Jenni&Babes
How can they put the on backwards pmsl?!

I have a moan too - I bought one and it was too small around the waste on my 11 month old! :shock: I literally could only just fasten it on the edge of the velcro! They really should cater for uber-huge babies lol! :roll:

I also think the velcro tabs are too small and I don't like velcro anyway as Flynn just undoes it lol! But apparently they are trialling popper fastenings.....

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:47 pm
by Velvetsteph
I only have one and while I do find the poo thing annoying (it even got on the velcro today so had to rinse that under the tap - ick!) generally they're one of our most reliable pockets...

And don't worry about your 11month old, he'll slim down! It's amazing but Isabelle used to barely fit in her huggles yet now she is on a smaller setting and several of her nappies are the same - fit much better now she's walking, beehinds are the same fit wise - used to be on the last setting but now almost meet in the middle!

And how on Earth :shock: do you put one on backwards!!! Nurseries (ours included) amaze me with how dense they are sometimes...

With the velcro being undone thing - pair of trousers or skirt sharpish here solves that problem - and she can undo poppers now too so unless I use a nippa nappy it's the same, bottoms sharpish!! :lol:

Mine hasn't gone tatty yet although the stretchy bit at the sides doesn't look as good as it used to...

As for stains - all we need is some sunshine - hahaha! :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:57 pm
by Annette
We find the Bumgenius fine - although I can't say that we have had problems with any pockets really. I have to say that they aren't my favourite - just not cute enough for me, even the limited colours they have aren't as nice as others and I can't see them lasting very well, we have to fasten the tabs quite far apart and Charlotte is very active so can't see her slimming down any more. But for us at the moment they are a good reliable nappy and hopefully we will see how they are on a newborn :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:58 pm
by Pinchette
I must say mine is still fab. I have never had a problem with it and it's very reliable.
I personnaly really like velcro fastening but I do have to put clothes on her pretty quick.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:07 pm
by DevonLou
And how on Earth :shock: do you put one on backwards!!! Nurseries (ours included) amaze me with how dense they are sometimes...

Well what makes it even more funny is that they had been putting them on fine, it was the poppers they were struggling with, so I sent in written instructions for all kinds just to be helpful - velcro (BG, Green Baby, HH), poppers (Fuzzis mainly - I have not yet tried Pocket Bots as they fasten round the back so thought that might be a bit too miuch - ie poppers plus back fasteners) and gDiapers (velcro round the sides, OK, a bit weird maybe, but very easy) and it is only since then they've been putting the BG on backwards. And the poppers are still not tight enough on the Fuzzis, so following the advice of someone BC, I have tonight put a spot of permanent marker in the middle of the leg poppers I use to help.

As for stains - all we need is some sunshine - hahaha! :lol:[/quote]

Well maybe it's the inferior Devon sun, but it makes no difference at all to the BG stains, they are really grey and unattractive!


PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:06 am
by Rae
Well the BG's are DH's favourite nappy. His face lit up when I got some more (bless him). If we had some sun then we could maybe get some of the nastier stains to come out, but other than they they have been great for us. We have 2 Version 1's, and they don't last as long before a leak (I think the microfibre is a bit grim now), but they are OK.
The only thing that surprises me is with them the nursery like to tuck Kayleigh's singlet (or vest depending which word you like to use) into the nappy, which can lead to wicking and the occasional mess. Don't know what makes them think to do it, because they would hardly tuck clothes into a disposable.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:20 am
by Annette
On the back to front thing - we send in 2 parts but last week we found Charotte had an airflow on inside out and last night she had a rikki wrap inside out - granted they are white but even so, I can't imagine how you can think that doing up the velcro that way is right?

Having said that, they are doing really well and we have only had one leak so far (even with the wraps inside out). I didn't quite know how to respond on Friday when one of them said - we provide the disposables so if you want to use them while she is here it will save you on washing. I mean the comment is valid I guess but do they not question why I want to use them? They obviously don't know me yet - I mean it can't be to save money :wink: