Need help boosting

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Need help boosting

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:11 pm
by ktinkley
)We seem to have a champion weer on our hands :roll:

It doesn't help that at the moment she can't wear wraps - she seems to be allergic to the edges of the pul wraps - we've only got 1 wool wrap and are waiting for it to dry after being lanolised last night! I've been told I've got to sell if I want to buy anything else - so any new wool will have to be sneaked past DH :giggle:

ATM she's wearing a cotton sandy's with 2 ME bamboo inserts (fullsize not small) in it and a flushable liner - then a size 2 bamboozle round all that!

I've got to work with what I've got (ref previously mentioned embargo on any new nappy stuff :oops: ) so what can I boost with and what order should I do it in to get the best effect.

I've got loads of Sandy's but she wees thro them in about 20min. I've got 8 or so ME bamboo boosters and two cotton ones, a couple of microfibre boosters, some snap in bamboozles boosters and two bamboo terries which I could cut up - plus loads of prefolds but I'm struggling to fit them inside any of the nappies - even a MEOS which is prob the biggest we've got.

Even pre the wrap issue it was causing me issues - I put 2 medium prefolds (I couldn't fit the large ones in) in a wrap the other night and she was soaking after 8 hours - and I mean drenched, not just a bit damp.

Can anyone help - is there anything I can do with what I've got, or will I have to try to get some different things - I'm changing her every 1/2 hour at the mo - with not having any kind of cover, if I don't change her that frequently everything gets soaked, and DH is making noises about sposies :cry:

Re: Need help boosting

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:16 pm
by dawnsmummy
I know it involves buying, but have you tried a Smart Nappy inner? From Mothercare? They're £6 for 2. I use the inners as Nighttime boosters for Dawn. They're bulky, but they're really absorbent. She's not a heavy wetter, but she pee's lots of times lol.
Also, have you got a £1land near you? Or somewhere just as cheap? Look for Microfibre cloths (3 for £1 in poundland atm). I use them too, folded into thirds inside a nappy, with a fleece liner on top :)

Re: Need help boosting

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:38 pm
by lazylexis
Easy peasy hemp boosters are only 10 pounds for 5 with free postage if you get them from them direct.i put them either inside or over the outside of a sandys. Can you get any preloved bamboo sandys?we found them much better than the cotton.other than that it would be try and layer all the ones you've got already but i'm not sure how!will the bamboo terrys fit inside the bamboozle folded up?

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Re: Need help boosting

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:47 pm
by ktinkley
I've got one bamboo sandy's and it didn't seem to make much difference. :-?

I have used microfibre - we have got a poundland :wink: and I had them for cleaning, so washed them a few times and tried them in the nappies :lol: they do help but I need more than that and I'm just struggling to fit everything into a nappy IYSWIM!

I may have to invest in some hemp - I think I will have to cut the bamboo terries if I want to fit them inside anything - I managed to squeeze one inside MEOS bamboo earlier, but her bum looked a bit crumpled when it came out! - tho relatively dry :hohoho:

I think the mothercare things are the same as prefolds aren't they? I must admit I didn't look at them, as we have been lent the prefolds and were intending to use them originally as we did with DS but Madam had to be difficult and they just don't cut it!

Re: Need help boosting

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:50 pm
by dawnsmummy
ktinkley wrote:I think the mothercare things are the same as prefolds aren't they?

Kinda, not not. They're shaped like a prefold - [||] the two side bits are micro fiber and the middle bit is cotton I think but has a stay dry layer like fleece. So they act like three layers of absorbing stuff and a liner. I only dont' use them full time because the MC wraps don't fit her anymore :(

ETA: Kinda, not not? That makes no sense lol. I think I need to go to bed :)

Re: Need help boosting

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:58 pm
by ktinkley
They sound good actually - might need to have a look at them :lol:

Yes - must go to bed - as will be up :bf: in about 2hours :shock: should have gone to bed about 3 hours ago :oops:

Re: Need help boosting

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:00 pm
by dawnsmummy
They're not a bad price really to try out. £5.99 for two. I've got the large size now, obv depends on size on ur LO's nappies. I'd offer to lend you one for postage, but I only have two that I alternate as I'm selling the rest of the set :(