Can the owner of

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Re: Can the owner of

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:28 pm
by paintedclaws
Thats interesting! I always use Bio powder, anything else and Harmony reacts to it.

Mine hasn't really faded so much and worn out.. :oops:

Re: Can the owner of

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:32 pm
by tanya
That happened to my PK Wool night nappy. I thought I was washing it too hot and the dyes hadn't been set properly, but it's probably the powder. I'd still buy other wool outer night nappies though as they are the creme de la creme of night nappies!!

Re: Can the owner of

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:45 pm
by beffys
It says on the Bold box we have not to use on silk or wool, so I don't. I didn't actually realise bold was bio as well though. It was just after a customer got in touch in the last day or so and explained a bit more about how she was washing her nappies over a long period of time and realised she was using bio, even washing nappies quite low most of the time, between 30-60 max. It's always advisable to wash any kind of wool with with wool safe washing powder / detergent and use a splodge of vinegar to restore a more wool friendly ph.

It's been quite odd though, of a handful of customers some people have had issues after very little use, some after lots of use. There's hasn't really been a pattern to it and I think it's down to washing patterns / machines / detergents. The enzymes in bio will eat away at wool and silk. Non bio isn't great either though as has a high ph so I can see if there was any build up that wouldn't be good either.

Wool likes a ph of 5-6, so slightly alkali. Washing powders are high at an alkali at 10-11 ish. I was looking into that before as I have a wool cotton blend wrap I want to dye, but can't use soda ash at a ph of 10-11, need to dye at a lower ph with baking soda, as wool can handle up to about a ph of 8.5-9 max. Fairly liquid is also about a ph 9. You can netralise a slightly higher ph by using vinegar as that's what I was planning to do to dye a cotton / wool blend.

Re: Can the owner of

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:16 pm
by pinksalmon2001
HighlandMum wrote:My one has lost an awful lot of the blue too but it still works absolutely fine so doesnt bother me (plus its a night nappy so no one sees it). I hadnt realised that about the detergent.

Exactly wss - mine is still in pretty good condition, just not very blue anymore :giggle: I didn't realise that about the detergent either - I use bold with a spoonful of soda crystals in my nappy wash!

Re: Can the owner of

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:36 am
by zoeyboo
HighlandMum wrote:My one has lost an awful lot of the blue too but it still works absolutely fine so doesnt bother me (plus its a night nappy so no one sees it). I hadnt realised that about the detergent.

Mine is still lovely & blue, it's the most gorgeous colour I love it :mrgreen: