Is it worth hanging on to spare nappies or selling them on?

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Is it worth hanging on to spare nappies or selling them on?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:59 am
by jclmellor
i've bought far too many nappies in my quest to find ones that we like and that work for us. atm we are using mainly wool and fitteds, with Easyfits at nursery and when we go out. i have other nappies that i don't really use (fuzzibunz, PUL and fleece wraps, sandys, etc). DD is only 7 months old and i wonder whether it's worth hanging on to the nappies we don't use, as i expect she'll change shape and have preferences of her own (!) when she gets older.
any advice would be good! :hug:

Re: Is it worth hanging on to spare nappies or selling them on?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:21 am
by ellemonkey
I like to hope that there would be some huge environmental disaster which leads to the banning of disposables and sends the cost of cloth sky rocketing thus making my stash of odds and sods nappies valuable.

Or my sil suddenly converts

Or maybe I might pop out quads

Or maybe my lesbian sister might decide to do a 360 and have a baby

I can think of a million reasons not to sell them.

Re: Is it worth hanging on to spare nappies or selling them on?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:26 am
by Bluebell
I would probably list in Classifieds any that she has grown out of, unless you plan to have another baby fairly soon (or have lots of storage space!). Any that still fit I would keep hold of, as it is useful to have some spares, for when you go on holiday or if it rains when your nappy wash is hanging on the line etc!

Re: Is it worth hanging on to spare nappies or selling them on?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:43 pm
by yellow45
I'd keep hold of them, Jody, for the new baby or for Arwen if you find she needs them.

Re: Is it worth hanging on to spare nappies or selling them on?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:39 pm
by ramsons
with ds1 i was cautious but when we changed from size 1 to 2 , i sold everything i really didn't like first time round and put the rest of the size 1's in the loft for when we got round to ds2. after ds1 was in size 2's again i sold anything i didn't like when he potty trained but kept the nicer bits & btp.
in pregnancy for ds2 i changed my mind a bit sold off some of the loft stash and bought new bits. nappies will move on in the time it takes for you to have another child but its aways worth hanging on to some in case your financial circumstances change and rebuying becomes an issue. plus you always lose on the postage if you're not buying bundles.
the loft size 2's are currently this week enabling a 19month old in sposies change to cloth :wine: so having a few for enabling is always good. my size 1's did get lent out pre ds2 for enabling but failed :cry: :lol:

this time round i'm selling off everything as no 3 would be a long way off if ever!

nak for typos

Re: Is it worth hanging on to spare nappies or selling them on?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:10 pm
by monsterm
I sold the ones I didn't really like. I held onto my size 1 little lamb bamboo because we really liked them but they don't have a great re-sale value so I would basically be selling them ffp and we will use them again so pointless selling them on.

Re: Is it worth hanging on to spare nappies or selling them on?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:49 pm
by katyav
I had a stash of almost only pockets but switched to fitteds and wool about a months ago (out of necessity - really helped DD's rash), I sold most of them but kept some for future babies, or in case she grows out of her eczema before she grows out of them!