New vs Old Style Fuzzi Bunz?

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New vs Old Style Fuzzi Bunz?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 10:23 am
by Claire
Now that nearly all of the leg elastic has gone in my 10 BG's :evil: :evil: :evil: I think I may have to invest in a few more nappies :twisted: :twisted: . Even though I didn't like them at first, now I think fuzzis are a reliable staple (that she can't get off herself!) and she will still fit in them for a long time.

I only have some mediums in the old style. Does anyone know how the new style compare to them? Do they fit and work the same? The mediums seem generous in the rise, I think they are as big as some of my btp ones on the largest setting. Should I get more mediums? Maybe they will still last for a while and larges may be too big.

If anyone think some other popper ones would be better, I'm open to suggestions! I'm not loving my poly-pocketbots. I just can't get the inserts right and they seem to wick really quickly. Medium itti-bittis are quickly getting too short in the rise so I could maybe get the large size? Or I'm tempted by the swaddlebees econappy. Oooooh, too much choice. Woo-hoo to the nappy train! :D :D :D :hohoho: :hohoho: :hohoho:

Re: New vs Old Style Fuzzi Bunz?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:53 pm
by tanya
I've deliberately only bought old-style Fuzzis as I know they fit. Not sure what the new ones are like.

You could look at WeeNotions pockets. They are side snapping and extremely well made. If you can get the stuffing right, the are a fabulous nappy. I can use either medium or large on Bella (who is just under 19lbs) as there is such a large cros-over in sizing.

Re: New vs Old Style Fuzzi Bunz?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:11 pm
by Annette
I have not seen the mediums but I know that the new style smalls are way bigger than the old style. The old style fitted Ben great from birth but it took a while for him to grow into the new style one I had. So I would assume the mediums would be the same but don't know.

I personally would be tempted to buy some large Itti Bittis I love our mediums on Ben. We are fastening them with one popper showing in the middle iyswim so plenty of growing space there but I do see what they mean about a low rise.

Re: New vs Old Style Fuzzi Bunz?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:32 pm
by dinky_cath
MY stash ıs 99% old fuzzıs wıth 1 new one. They are all medıums (although Im sure a couple are fakes). The new style one ıs bıgger but not too bıg on my 14 month old. The old style have one popper to spare on the legs whereas the new ones have 2 or 3. I dıdnt lıke the new style at fırst but as my LO has grown I lıke ıt more, I would certaınly buy new fuzzıs agaın. They seem plenty bıg ın the rıse where my ıttıs and WN seem very low and Im not all together sure I lıke sıde snappers on the WN. Why not just buy one and gıve ıt a go?