BumGenius V3 BtP


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BumGenius V3 BtP

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:10 pm
by k-k-k-ktiow

Reliability: 10/10 = they've not let me down yet
Absorbancy: n/a pocket, but works well for up to 3 hours with included insert + booster
Cuteness: 7/10 - bit boring but slimness maes up for it as you can put anything over them
Drying Speed: 10/10
Slimness: 10/10 - as good as a dispicable :hohoho:
Value for money: 10/10 so far

Overall Comment: Fantastic

These are the daily basics around here, used mostly when anyone else has to deal with changing them! I will be using them with the childminder, we have now used them since Annie was 6 weeks old, so will keep you posted of any changes.

Re: BumGenius V3 BtP

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:20 pm
by vonandiz
Reliability: 10/10
Absorbancy: 9/10 (when used with the insert that comes with the nappy)
Cuteness: 6/10
Drying Speed: 9/10
Slimness: 8/10
Value for money: 7/10

Overall - A good all-rounder

These were the first nappies I bought and they converted me to cloth. They fit really well and are neat fitting even on a 10lb baby. I found these to be bomb-proof and they managed to contain even the most explosive bf poo. The poppers on the insert are a nice little feature that allow you to adjust the nappy so that it fits perfectly inside the pocket. The only negative to these nappies is that the tabs (next to the aplix) bobble very quickly and the aplix curls very quickly making the nappies look rather worn and tatty within a few months. I do think that these are a very good 'beginner' nappy as they are so easy to use and dry really quickly.

Re: BumGenius V3 BtP

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:14 pm
by twinkletot

Reliability: 10/10
Absorbancy: n/a pocket
Cuteness: 7/10
Drying Speed: 10/10
Slimness: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10

Overall Comment: Really good staple nappy

I have not had one bad thing to say about my BG's yet. They are ALWAYS my first choice to take with ds if somebody else is looking after him for a bit as they are just so easy to use. They contain everything that has been thrown in it so to speak and I have not once had a leak!! A fabulous staple nappy in my stash. Even though they are just solid colours and not as cute as some others the reliability of them makes up for it. Dp will pick them over a lot of others as he loves them!! They dry the quickest out of all my nappies so if I were to run out and had just washed some I KNOW I would have a nappy for the next day as they will dry overnight easily. Also a nice slim fit so fab for my slim lad. Great fit round the legs and easy to stuff as the pocket is quite big. The inserts are not bad either and I haven't ahd to add to them yet (both that it came with). Surprising as they are microfibre and hemp seems to be a bit better for us. Overall a fab nappy that I wouldn't be without.

Re: BumGenius V3 BtP

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:34 pm
by frankie_n_baby
Manufacturer: Cotton Babies Inc.

Nappy Name: Bumgenius

Type of Nappy: One-size cloth diaper (Version 3.0)

Fastener : Aplix (velcro)

Material: Polyester outer, comes with 2 sizes of microfibre inserts

Size: One (birth to potty)

Reliability: 8/10
Absorbancy: when used with included insert(s), 6/10
Cuteness: 9/10
Drying Speed: 10/10 for both the nappy itself and included inserts
Slimness: 10/10
Value for money 8/10

Overall Comment:

Detailed Comments:

As a first timer to cloth nappies, I was impressed by the ease of use of these nappies and how adjustable they were. We used these in the smallest setting as soon as our baby was born (6lb 8oz and long/slim), using the included newborn-size microfibre insert. The tabs were very stretchy and gave a neat fit around the waist, and still do. The rise also adjusts well.
I like that the larger insert is adjustable to three different lengths with poppers, to fit the different settings on the nappy.
The pocket opening has a covered section to prevent the insert from coming into contact with clothes or coming out.
My husband finds the microfibre inserts a bit hard to fit because of the friction between the PUL and the insert.

These are fairly idiot-proof and good for those who have little or no experience using cloth nappies (good for babysitters etc.) as they are similar to disposables in the way they fasten.

They come in a nice range of colours and look smart.

These worked fine up until about 7 weeks in, when we started to get bad gaping around the legs and the microfibre inserts (even using both the small and larger together) started to leak terribly. We have so far had the worst poo and wee leaks with these. The leg gape improved a little as our baby's legs got chubbier around the 10-12 week mark, but well before that we had to abandon the microfibre and use other inserts, as the microfibre just couldn't cope and we'd get bad compression wicking. Even now at 15 weeks the legs gape a little and we can't seem to get a good fit no matter what we have tried, probably also in part because we have to use slightly bulkier inserts. Sadly they have gone from being one of the first I reach for to one of the last, which is a real shame. However, I am hanging on to them in the hope that they will fit better later on, as baby's shape changes, and that trying different inserts will help.

We found that the aplix tabs started curling up after a month or two. They don't seem to age very well, aesthetically.

Re: BumGenius V3 BtP

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:20 pm
by Emma1977
Reliability: 9/10
Absorbancy: 9/10 (when both accompanying inserts are used)
Cuteness: 7/10
Drying Speed: 10/10 for both the nappy itself and included inserts
Slimness: 10/10
Value for money 9/10

Overall Comment: Fabulous nappy and highly recommended (especially to those wanting to try cloth for the first time)

Detailed Comments:

Pros: I absolutely love these nappies for so many reasons:
- DS spends a lot of time with his grandparents now that I am back at work and BGs are so easy to use - on and off like a disposable.
- Superslim fit under all DS's clothes.
- Now that I've learned to boost them correctly they will easily last 3 hours.
- The aplix allows for an easily adjustable, snug fit on my slim-waisted boy.
- Both PUL nappy and the inserts are fast drying making the turn-around factor of BGs excellent.
- Wide pocket makes them very easy to stuff.

Cons: I think there are very few of these, especially relating to performance. I would agree with vovandiz above in that the aplix and laundry tabs quickly start to look tatty and bitty.

The colours as well are not as cute as other nappies on the market, however, they have added more colours to the range giving the consumer a better choice. I also love, that apart from the pink, all the colours are pretty gender neutral which is good if you planning on using them on another child.

Re: BumGenius V3 BtP

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:42 pm
by toryuk
BG v3 BtP

Manufacturer: Cotton Babies Inc.
Nappy Name: Bumgenius
Type of Nappy: One-size cloth nappy (Version 3.0)
Fastener : Aplix (velcro)
Material: Polyester outer, comes with 2 sizes of microfibre inserts

Size: One (birth to potty)
Reliability: 10/10
Absorbancy: N/A (but included inserts 10/10)
Cuteness: 7
Drying Speed: 10/10 (pockets are nearly dry straight from the washer!)
Slimness: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10

Overall Comment: Fabulous!
They are great for first timers and even OH's can use them! :hohoho:

Detailed Comments:

Positives -
As someone new to cloth I researched for weeks before settling on these, and they have not disappointed one bit! They are easy to use - being as simple as a disposable - and wash, and they dry incredibly fast (overnight in the airing cupboard, or a few hours on a sunny day). We have experienced leaks only when they are left on too long, or not put on correctly (MIL - who thought the aplix was too tight :roll: and LO ended up with soaked clothes a little while later...!). We even use them as a night nappy at the moment using both the inserts, with LO lasting 12 hours without any leaks! I love that they are so slim, they fit under everything and we have only found that tiny T grows out of his vests and sleepsuits slightly quicker than other clothes. If I need a reliable nappy (that keeps explod-a-poo in one place), for traveling in the car or in town etc, then these are the first I grab for.
Negatives -
The aplix gets a tad tatty after a while, the same can be said for the laundry tabs. After prolonged use, the elastic in the legs seems to snap, however it is a fairly easy process to replace - even me with my horrendous sewing skills have been able to manage!
I would really like to see them in a variety of colours and fabrics. The thought of a minkee BG just makes me go weak at the knees ;)

Re: BumGenius V3 BtP

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:11 am
by Miss_Purple
BG v3 BtP

Manufacturer: Cotton Babies Inc.
Nappy Name: Bumgenius
Type of Nappy: One-size cloth nappy (Version 3.0)
Fastener : Aplix (velcro)
Material: Polyester outer, comes with 2 sizes of microfibre inserts

Size: One (birth to potty)
Reliability: 10/10
Absorbancy: N/A (but included inserts 8/10)
Cuteness: 6
Drying Speed: 10/10 (pockets are nearly dry straight from the washer!)
Slimness: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10

Overall Comment: Brilliant - great for OH, grandparents etc, easy to use and wash/dry well.

Detailed Comments:

Positives -
As easy to use as a disposable, dry really quickly (overnight) so never run out of nappies. pockets are wide so easy to stuff, and the inserts included work well in other nappies too. Last a good 3 hours with one insert and a bamboo booster. Never had wee leaks. Trim fit so go under normal clothes. These are always my first choice when out and about, or DD is in a special outfit that I want to protect!

Negatives -

I find the nappy a bit bulky if using both MF inserts, so I use a LL bamboo booster in place of one. The applix has got tatty after 5 months of use, and they are curling which makes it stick to other stuff in the wash. I like the Zinnia colour but it runs when first washed. It woud be great if you could get different patterns for the fabrics.
I have had a few exploding poo leaks from the back of the nappy, all when DD was sat in the Bumbo! I have now put her on the largest popper setting and that seems to have fixed it - she's only 5 months though, so I'm now worried they won't fit her until potty training...

Re: BumGenius V3 BtP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:58 am
by e586
Manufacturer: Cotton Babies Inc.
Nappy Name: bumGenius
Type of Nappy: One-size cloth diaper (version 3.0)
Fastener : Aplix (velcro)
Material: Polyester outer, comes with 2 sizes of microfibre inserts

Size: birth-potty (Cotton Babies say that it will fit most babies from 7 to 35lbs)

Reliability: 7/10
Absorbancy: when used with included insert(s), 7/10
Cuteness: 8/10
Drying Speed: 10/10 for nappy and inserts
Slimness: 10/10
Value for money 8/10

Overall Comment:
recommended, but with reservations!

Detailed Comments:
This was our staple nappy up until Natalie was around 20 months, and I'm still using some on Ryan. My experience with it is a mixed one, though overall positive.

When Natalie was a skinny little 10wk old, we managed to get this on her, with just the newborn insert. She was only 8lbs at the time, and it fit well. We didn't need to switch to the bigger insert until she was 5 months old, and started using both inserts around 1yr (when she hit 21lbs). The bumGenius always fit her body well, and was easy to adjust. We didn't have poo leaks, and it fit well under her clothes, though she was skinny so I suspect this helped a bit! Nursery were happy to use them, grandparents were happy to use them, and we were glad we'd found such a reliable nappy.

Our problems started around 16 months, when suddenly there were leaks. We'd pull her out of the buggy or the carseat, and spot 2 wet patches on her bum/top of her thighs. This happened often, even in nappies she'd just been in for an hour! The problem was the combination of learning bladder control, and microfibre inserts. While the advantage of microfibre is that it soaks liquid up very quickly like a sponge, the disadvantage is that it is spongelike in reverse, and squeezes the liquid back out when pressure is applied. Natalie was doing a power wee, then sitting in the buggy or carseat or highchair, and the pressure forced the liquid back out and onto her clothes.

We tried hemp inserts, bamboo inserts, cotton terries... some worked better than others, but our airer was getting crowded, and finding the right combination was proving expensive, and stuffing the pockets when dry suddenly took twice as long as before. In the end we switched to the newly released Pop-in and never looked back. Leak problems sorted.

We carried on using the bumGenius on Ryan and still do now. He's 16 months, but not quite there with the bladder control yet, so we haven't had the leak issues as much. He can go 2-3hrs still in just the bigger insert and the fit is lovely and slim. The only thing we found was that the older of our stash (2 1/2yrs old) are suffering. The leg elastic is loose, the velcro is grey and tatty and the inserts aren't as white as they used to be. Those we bought last summer are still working fine though.

I used to recommend this nappy to everyone, and still do mention it as a good one, but with 3 cautions:
-leak problems can happen when approaching potty training due to high levels of liquid and microfibre acting like a sponge
-the elastic gets loose over time, so while it may last birth-potty with one child, you may not get as much use with a 2nd child
-the leg holes can be big on newborns, causing leaks. This is especially true when using with a 2nd child.

Re: BumGenius V3 BtP

PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:58 pm
by lizziemini
Size: birth to potty
Reliability: 7/10
Absorbancy: 6/10
Cuteness: 5/10
Drying Speed: 10/10 (pockets are nearly dry straight from the washer!)
Slimness: 9/10
Value for money: 10/10

Overall Comment: Fab for OH, easy to use and wash/dry well.

BUT I have now had my BG v3 for 4 years. Purchased 2009 and did 2yrs on Daughter No.1. Now done another year on Son No.2. Problems of disintegration. Line drying them has degraded the outer fabric to the point of them coming apart round the velcro on the top edge. I am perhaps expecting too much but a bit disappointed they have literally fallen apart. They have always performed well but I took them off Daughter No.1 at night as she regularly woke up in a puddle. She is now 5 and I have only just (keeping fingers crossed at this) got her dry at night.

Has anyone else had disintegrating nappies?