
Itti Bitti Tutto

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Itti Bitti Tutto

Postby 0_Lisa_0 » Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:48 am

Manufacturer - Itti Bitti
Nappy Name - Tutto
Type of Nappy - AIO
Fastener - Front fastening poppers
Material - Minkee lined PUL
Size - Onesize

Reliability: 7/10
Absorbancy: 8/10
Cuteness 9/10
Drying Speed: -/10
Slimness: 10/10
Value for money: 5/10

I don't usually do reviews but I feel compelled to write one this time, and while I am sure the Tutto will get some gleaming reviews, this will not be one of them. There are up sides to the Tutto, it has all the positive features people have come to love from the Itti Bitti D'lish, it's slim, it can be as absorbent as you need with it's extra snap in boosters, it's cute with it's slim fit and gorgeous minkee colours BUT (and for me it's a big BUT) as a Onesize nappy goes, for me, it doesn't fulfill it's quota. My stash is mainly comprised of OS nappies, and while I only have 2 OS pockets left (the rest being fitted nappies) this doesn't really have a "onesize fits most" feel. It's tiny! If A has a bit of a growth spurt now I don't think we'll get another wear out of it, and he's a small 15 month old! I can't comment on drying time as I have guiltily put it on with out a wash but it did a nap and a poop, though not sure that even the "poo fence" would contain a really nasty explosion of BF baby poo as this was threatening at the edges.
All in all I would say it might be ok for a new baby up to about 12 months but if you have a chunky baby you would be wasting your money trying to have a complete stash of these slim but very small nappies IMHO.

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Re: Itti Bitti Tutto

Postby teehee_baby » Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:04 pm


This is the first time I've posted on here, but I had to respond to this post. Just to let everyone know, my daughter is 3 years old and in the 75 percentile for her age, but the tutto fits her wonderfully and copes with everything she can throw at it. She does huge wees, but the tutto still lasted for a good 3 hours even before I'd done the max washes for absorbency. Also, she had diarrhoea the other weeks and the poo fence even coped with that.

The main negative in your post talks about what you think will happen when your son gets bigger, and I hope my post reassures you on that subject.



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Re: Itti Bitti Tutto

Postby JenKyleKaitlinRoo » Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:20 pm

Manufacturer - Itti Bitti
Nappy Name - Tutto
Type of Nappy - AIO
Fastener - Front fastening poppers
Material - Minkee lined PUL, suedecloth inner
Size - Onesize

Reliability: 7/10
Absorbancy: 8/10
Cuteness 5/10
Drying Speed: 5/10
Slimness: 6/10
Value for money: 7/10

I loved the sized itti's until we hit large then my son suffered serious wing droop so I thought the tutto would be the answer to my itti love. Sadly it wasnt. I found they were actually smaller round the waist than the larges. On them he wore it with tabs meeting and the tutto had 2 poppers showing so no need for the wingdroop snaps. He is on the 25th for weight and 50th for height. The fit around the bum is very baggy as if it needs to be tighter and neater. Good absorbency and plenty of ways to customise it with various snap ins. We never got to test the poo fence as I sold it after 4 wears and no poos were ever done but I am sceptical it would have worked on newborn bf poo esp with their skinny legs too.

They take around a day to dry on an airer like the other ittis. As far as onesizes go they aren't too badly priced. Cheaper than a lot of others so I would say for a minkee nappy they are reasonably good value.

All in all. They work and if you can deal with the baggy bum look I am sure you could love these but for us they weren't to be.

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Re: Itti Bitti Tutto

Postby *tinkerbellarella* » Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:38 pm

we hated the tutto. the poo fence ain't all that, oakley chucked a bf poo at it and it leaked. i ain't a fan of having to watch a video to tell me how to arrange a nappy for use, they need to be simple, quick and able to do the job well. the tutto has the worst fit, as jen said is baggy round the bum on my worst nappy 2010 list for sure.

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Re: Itti Bitti Tutto

Postby MissFrodo » Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:59 am

Manufacturer - Itti Bitti
Nappy Name - Tutto
Type of Nappy - AIO
Fastener - Front fastening poppers
Material - Minkee lined PUL
Size - Onesize

Reliability: 8/10
Absorbancy: 8/10
Cuteness 9/10
Drying Speed: 8/10
Slimness: 10/10
Value for money: 8/10

I love them!
We are slightly growing out of the Itti mediums and I thought this could be a good replacement.
Heard lots of bad things about the fit but well lots of people are unhappy with normal Itti's too so I decide to try it ourselfs.
While getting slightly confused with all the inners and extras first I'm getting the hang of it now.
Really don't get the tabs at the back thing but well they're just there being unused :giggle:
It's bigger then normal Itti's but still slim enough to wear under jeans etc.
Same soft lovely minky outer and big enough for Emi too.
Absorbency wise very good, much better then the normal ones.
Well I'm pretty happy with them.

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Re: Itti Bitti Tutto

Postby herbina » Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:11 am

Reliability: 9/10
Absorbancy: 9/10
Cuteness 9/10
Drying Speed: 8/10
Slimness: 9/10
Value for money: 8/10

I prefer D'lish over Tutto since this is somewhat bulkier and the fit is not as good. However, fit changes constantly as baby grows. So if it doesn't fit at some point the situation might be totally different after a month. At the moment I have left out the mini booster as it makes the nappy too loose from the belly. There seems to be a little bit too much minky on the back so it sags a bit and doesn't look as neat as d'lish SIO. I have not found any use for the extra snaps since we've never had any wing droop issues. Anyway, we've had some leaks with this and I would say this is less reliable than d'lish with what we get a better fit. Still, it lasts 3 or even 4 hours even without the mini booster. Love the minky fabric as well as the bright colours of these. They're awfully expensive in Finland (over £22) so I prefer buying from UK but that makes it a bit less environment friendly (especially when the nappies are manufactured in China and sold originally from Australia).

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Itti Bitti: Bitti Tutto

Postby mognpog » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:18 pm


Manufacturer: Itti Bitti
Nappy Name: Bitti Tutto
Type of Nappy: AIO/Snap in one
Fastener: Poppers
Material:Minky/Bamboo/Organic cotton
Size: One Size/ Birth to Potty

Reliability: 9
Absorbency: 9
Cuteness: 10
Drying Speed: 8
Slimness: 10
Value for money: 9

Overall Comment: Terrific on my tireless toddler twosome

The Tutto claims to be birth to 40lb and it does exactly what it says on the packaging. With a quick and easy adjustment of poppers it will fit either my chunky 3 year old or skinny mini almost two. Unlike many of the one-size nappies we have tried the Tutto is still very slim fitting on its smaller settings (infact its not that much bulkier than a disposable) as the extra fabric required for an older child 'hides' away really well, no need to buy next size trousers and tights with this one. The Tutto comes with three soaker pads that you can customise depending how absorbent you need it to be, they are also uniquly colour coded to ensure you are fitting them in the right places- genius, great for reluctant dads who pretend they are clueless about cloth.

There are internal poppers on the hips to stop 'wing droop' when your little one is running around, I have found this problem with other nappies we have tried, the sides seem to 'cave in' and cause leakage as the leg holes expand, Itti seem to have this problem solved. Tuttos have an inbuilt 'poo-fence' which stops any nasties leaking through the sides and onto clothing. I can't vouch for how well it deals with newborn poo as Tuttos werent around 'in those days' but when my daughter was very ill in hospital a few weeks back they were amazing.

I have used the Tutto (with all three boosters) at night on both my children who sleep (at least!) 12 hours straight. In the morning their clothing and bedding is dry and the nappy wicks away any wetness away from direct contact with the skin so no need to worry about nappy rash.

They wash extremely well, out of all the ones we have none of them are stained. Even after using Calpol (which has satined a few of our other nappy inserts grey) Ittis have kept their colour. The only downside is the soakers can take quite a while to dry (bamboo) and often the shell is dry but the boosters arnt, however...Itti do sell extra booster sets if required which not only means there will always be a spare set when drying but for non-messy nappy changes the soakers can be replaced and the outer shell reused- economical and eco-friendly.

The fabric is gorgeous! Ulta soft colourfast minky, you can put a red in the wash first time with a white and can garuntee it wont end up pink. They come in every colour of the rainbow with some fabulous limited prints available at the moment too and matching wetbags.

In conclusion they are a very good nappy indeed, particularly if you have two children of different ages/sizes in cloth. They are rather pricey at £17.50 but you get what you pay for in looks and performance, they are a good investment and I highly recommend these.

p.s sorry if this review appears twice, my 1st atempt seems to have vanished!

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