
Bf strength needed

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Re: Bf strength needed

Postby Rox » Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:40 pm

You sound just like me hun, that 2nd night was hell. Post c-sec, no sleep, she fed on/off all night and i was so alone and exhausted... cant lie down etc (i had some horrible chest pain thing along with the c-sec wound)

Hang in there. Get comfy in a chair and doze any chance you get and if you dont, go for a walk - those 4 walls can drive you nutty!!

Any chance of you being discharged tomorrow? As soon as the shifts changed i requested a discharge, i knew i would get more help and support at home with DH and felt much better once out.

:hug: :hug:

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Re: Bf strength needed

Postby Twinkletoes » Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:47 pm

Yeah, they say we should get home tomorrow. Unless he's lost more than 10% of birth weight. But I'm inclined not to abide by that stat, given that he's feeding finally, and likely to feed more with a well cared for mummy, so home would help us both.

I do want to talk to somebody about my lack of bleeding though. Shoulder tip pain can be a sign of internal bleeding, and as I should be bleeding but I'm not, I'd like some reassurance that they are not connected.

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Re: Bf strength needed

Postby Rox » Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:59 pm

I think you need to def check that out hun, can they do a scan to check the womb or an internal maybe to see if the cervix is open/free.

You dont want to be going home and then collapsing - i think it is very worrying and i would be concerned too and i know you should feel reassured by the MW & Drs saying its okay, but something isnt xx

...and yes, dont let them keep you in based on weight loss. If necessary a MW can see you twice on your first few days home to check on baby - there's no need to be stuck in hospital :hug:

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Re: Bf strength needed

Postby Rox » Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:08 pm

Just had a google and the shoulder tip pain can be due to trapped air which is common with abdominal surgery, actually the same thing i had but my pain was in my upper chest. Obviously air rises hence once you get mobile the pain can arise, the body absorbs it slowly though moving around can help spread the air pockets out which can relieve some pressure.

I would still get them to be absolutely sure about their diagnosis of the bleeding and pain and that they are not related and you are not at risk of anything happening. You dont need the stress xx

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Re: Bf strength needed

Postby Woozle35 » Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:14 pm

I have no advice on your actual situation but I hated the first few weeks of bf. It was hard, tiring, and really awful. Dave and I had a book which said "left book 10 min, right boob 5 min etc" :giggle: The good news is, I bf for 3 years :D :D Keep going and good luck xxxxxxxxxx

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Re: Bf strength needed

Postby shoogah01 » Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:57 pm

:hug: :hug: I don't have any advice really just want to give you huge hugs, he will get there eventually.
I gave up and gave both Euan and Aimie a bottle on their first nights but it was only one and then they were BF

I second what others have said and ask to be checked over to make sure there is nothing else going on with the pain and lack of bleeding

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Re: Bf strength needed

Postby Twinkletoes » Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:46 am

First hour done!

Boobs sore. Baby happy!

Baby in next cubicle? VERY UNHAPPY. Poor first time mum got a screaming baby and a mw student who spent 20 mins trying to re latch it without calming the wee soul down first.

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Re: Bf strength needed

Postby Jellybelly6 » Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:22 am

I hope you have survived the night and managed a little shut eye. Just wanted to send :hug: and encouragement. :bf:

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Re: Bf strength needed

Postby Twinkletoes » Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:48 am

Thanks everyone! The night is over! Boy, was it loooong!

He's been doing as he should, lots of rooting and sucking, most of his latches are good now. Not all though, but I'm too tired to deal with those for now. He may have a clicky latch on left boob which is weird, but again, I'm going to persevere til we are further into things. It's still just day 2, so will deal with getting latch and supply sorted first.

I grabbed 20 mins sleep about 4, and finally managed to get horizontal for the first time since surgery, so fingers crossed the shoulder tip thing is over.

Still can't see any evidence of milk coming in (no milky dribbles, and when I squeeze it's still yellow), plus he's fussing regularly like a starved wee creature. More of the same today I guess.

Just had an instant coffee. Manna from heaven!


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