At what point does it become selfish?

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At what point does it become selfish?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:52 pm
by clothsister
So Penny has lost even more weight only a little bit but she's now 10g under her lowest weight at 72 hours old when they obviously wanted to see a gain of some sort. We have been told she has a teeny tiny tongue tie but not a lot so there is no guarantee that having it snipped would do anything at all. Still going to have a meeting with the specialist but could be another week. If she hasn't gained by Monday we are being referred to a paediatrician. Not sure what else I can do. It's taking every ounce out of me to be feeding then expressing etc... Has anyone else had a similar experience? If so what did you do??

And at what point does it become selfish to keep trying to feed her myself rather than switching to formula. She is currently feeding from me for about 30/40 mins then can polish off 100ml of EBM. And still looks like she could take more.

When do the benefits that breast milk offer baby stop out weighing the babies need to gain weight?

Re: At what point does it become selfish?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:59 pm
by gilbertandmartha
I think you just need to work out what is best for your baby whether it is formula, Bf or EBM.

And sometimes what is best for baby is actually what is best for you, because you are central to her every needs right now.

If I were you I would do what you need to do to get through the next few days, but keep pumping or feeding to keep your supply up. then just in case its some easy quick fix you can go back to bf'ing.

I had to make the choice with Lola, I was set on bf'ing her, but with her tongue ties it was taking up to an hour to feed each time and was excruciating. The twins were not having any of me because I was spending so long at each feed. I started to get upset about it, so I decided to stop and use formula. I do wish I had persued the tt because I was told 3 times she didn't have any, but I knew there was something up.

Everyone knows that breast is best, but formula isn't evil either. do what is right fr you all.

Re: At what point does it become selfish?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:12 pm
by Sunset
The friend I mentioned in my earlier post topped up with formula until her DD latched on and then was exclusively breastfed after. You can make mixed feeding work for you if that's what you chose to do.
:hug: it's so tough in those early days and you are still doing an amazing job

Re: At what point does it become selfish?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:23 pm
by clothsister
Thanks @Sunset took your advice from last post and we are sort of doing one formula feed a day (whilst I express to keep flow up and also to
Increase the stores!) I do so hope it will all turn around once she gains a bit more strength and this will all be a thing of the past

@gilbertandmartha having the exact problem that to feed and then feed her expressed then express again takes about an hour and a half to two hours which leaves roughly an hour before I have to start the whole process again. My nearly 4 year old is really struggling with it to be honest. (And I miss my DD1)

Not going to do anything rash for now. Will wait until I see MW again Monday. Just frustrating when MW and bf support workers are all saying they can't work out what the problem is and they don't seem convinced that it is tongue tie. Plus really not sure how I feel about having the procedure if it is TT to be honest. Makes me cry just thinking about it. X

Re: At what point does it become selfish?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:28 pm
by gilbertandmartha
I made the choice to have Lola's upper and lower tt snipped when she was under for her ear grommets. I decided because it can lead to speech problems and if it was showing significant effect on her speech then she would have had needed to go under to have it done.

They don't put babies under because its so quick and easy to do.

Re: At what point does it become selfish?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:07 pm
by clothsister
If it were a severe tongue tie I would rush to do it but mw said that she could only just tell that she has one so she's not even convinced it will make any difference to Penny at all. Will have to wait and see what happens after the bank holiday. X

Re: At what point does it become selfish?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:12 pm
by emmavmorgan
I mix fed Tom until he was maybe 10 weeks, he was a teeny baby, he was a little prem and I had pe. I slowly dropped the formula and went on to exclusively bf until he was over 2. Do what ever you need to do to make everyone happy and relaxed >:D<

Re: At what point does it become selfish?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:32 pm
by clothsister
Thank you! I have spent so long hearing that exclusive bf is the only option and that you shouldn't combo feed that I have ended up putting a ridiculous amount of pressure to exclusively bf. silly isn't it!

Re: At what point does it become selfish?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:39 pm
by sim
gilbertandmartha wrote:I think you just need to work out what is best for your baby whether it is formula, Bf or EBM.

And sometimes what is best for baby is actually what is best for you, because you are central to her every needs right now.

If mixed feeding works for now then go with it.

E had a tongue tie that seemed small (it was posterior but very tight) and having it snipped made a huge difference to his tongue mobility and his feeding so wait and see what the specialist says :hug:
He was a few weeks old and the procedure was over and done with very quickly, he was very grouchy and clingy for about 12 hours and perfectly fine in less that 48 hours.
