
Help please - Aptamil abroad

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Help please - Aptamil abroad

Postby holmes2974 » Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:53 pm

Bit of a random question, but does anyone have any idea if you can buy Aptamil formula in Italy? Or if not, what would be a suitable alternative?
We're off on hols in a fortnight, and I've always been breastfeeding if we've ever been away before, so haven't had to work out how to manage formula feeds. It would be easier to carry on BFing in some ways, but I'm due to go back to work a week after we get home, and as I'm going back full time, I could really do with DD2 being on formula by then as I won't stnad a chance of expressing at work. Plus, it would be nice if she would take a bottle from someone else whilst we're away so I could get a bit of a holiday too!
So, how should I do it? Take a load of formula with me, or buy it over there?

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Re: Help please - Aptamil abroad

Postby Shaunie » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:00 pm

I have no idea about wether it's sold in Italy but my friend was able to buy it in France so would assume that it's available in many european countries? It would be better to buy it out there but guess you'd have to take the chance they might not stock it - has LO had any other brand of formula?

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Re: Help please - Aptamil abroad

Postby megansmummy » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:00 pm

Personally i would take it with you...you just never know and swapping between brands can cause constipation etc... :) Hope you have a lovely holiday! :wine:

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Re: Help please - Aptamil abroad

Postby freckle » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:01 pm

This site lists all the brands available in each country: http://www.babyworld.co.uk/features/sum ... .asp#italy

Looks like they sell the higher stages of aptimal :-?

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Re: Help please - Aptamil abroad

Postby wytch » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:03 pm

most of my friends that have been abroad have phone the airport to see if theres a boots. then ordereed form boots the number of ready made cartons they needed and picked them up after ghoing thought as to avoid having to taste it at sercuity ( incase its a bomb) then you wont have to worry about being over your checkin limit or the water in italy and its pour and ago.

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Re: Help please - Aptamil abroad

Postby Annette » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:05 pm

I would take it with me - and more than you think you will need. We went to Greece for a week when Charlotte had just turned one and she was poorly the first day we got there and went through more milk than usual. We couldn't get any and ran out on the last day, although we knew she could have cows milk so did top her up with that. It is just easier if you take it with you.

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Re: Help please - Aptamil abroad

Postby jules070603 » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:06 pm

I would take it with you so you don't have to be looking around for it. 1 tub in your suitcase won't take up too much room.

Have a lovely holiday. xxx

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Re: Help please - Aptamil abroad

Postby flutterby » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:09 pm

Personally I think I would just take it with me, I'd worry about it if I didn't know I had it there ready to use when I arrived, also it may well be available in Italy, but that doesn't mean it's easily available in Italy, I don't remember seeing it when we were there last year, though I wasn't looking we were in the baby section in shops for nappies and such

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Re: Help please - Aptamil abroad

Postby weefywoo » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:10 pm

They do Aptamil in Malta so would assume the same for Italy ..... But it's a small small tin for lots of money :-? I'd do as pp's said and take some with me also if you have no room in your suitcase Iike me :giggle: then you can buy some in the shops once your through security etc on this side (I was able to do this at the time)


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