
Eco Eggs - How can I make my washing smell sweet?

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Rufies mama
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Eco Eggs - How can I make my washing smell sweet?

Postby Rufies mama » Sun May 19, 2013 9:18 pm

Hi, I've just bought an eco egg and I'm loving it, however, I would really like my washing to smell sweet when it comes out of the machine. Any bright ideas on how to make it smell nice? I thought about essential oils but would the oils spot the clothes and nappies? Or effect the absorbancy?

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Re: Eco Eggs - How can I make my washing smell sweet?

Postby JabberJabber » Thu May 23, 2013 6:47 pm

I don't use them myself, but I know some people put lavender or tea tree oil in with the final rinse to leave a nice smell. I think a couple of drops are enough to make a difference, but do no harm to the clothes.

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