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Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby northernruth » Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:30 am

I was going to hypnobirth but we were induced due to Obstetric Cholestasis so in the end I didn't really follow the plan (synthetic oxytocin drip). I did successfully use it to help with the induction pains from the gel (which were constant and fairly intense) and also in theatre when we were waiting for the consultant to come in (she was a forceps delivery).

I have a friend who hypnobirthed with twins and she did find it fantastic, another one who didn't need pain relief until near the end.

I would say that I think it's important to be realxed about what might happen, and not to have too high an expectation eg that you won't use any pain relief, or that if you do you have to abandon the hypnobirthing - I think the experiences the girls have relayed here show that hypnobirthing can help in all sorts of circumstances. I don't think I had properly accepted the fact that my planned waterbirth wasn't going to happen, and that coloured my experience of labour, rather than me being able to make it the best experience it could be in te circumstances.

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Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby Liz_Mossum » Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:57 pm

Ladies, thank you so much, that has really helped. Especially the comments about not worrying too much and being able to cope. It's set my mind at rest quite a bit.

@weebee - I decided to read your story and am so glad that I did. Not least for the absolutely gorgeous pics of Ailsa. You did a wonderful job and it was lovely to read about despite things not going 100% to plan. Thank you.

From what everyone has said it is intense, but you can cope and it's not like the horror stories that some people tell for the most part. I was chatting to DH about good things to say to me to keep me calm (as we've done a plan for him as well, so that he feels confident in what part he will play in it all) and I mentioned saying 'this too shall pass' and he looked at me like I was nuts! :giggle: He'd never heard it before and said that I sounded like Yoda, but that phrase helps me. It reminds me that people do get through it, it doesn't last forever and it's a momentary piece of time.

I went to the doctor today as I have very poor circulation (Reynauds) that is getting worse as the pregnancy goes on, with my feet and legs becoming very purple. She told me to get some bed rest and keep feet elevated all the time and continue with massage, but she also said she didn't think I'd last till my due date in a week and things I'm nearly there! So I'm hoping she is right :)

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Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby sim » Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:34 pm

Good luck! :thumbsup:

Just as an aside (though you may know this so excuse me if you do ) that Reynaud's can affect the nipples during breastfeeding and cause vasospasm. Kellymom.com is a good source if you are bf-ing and encounter that problem.

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Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby Liz_Mossum » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:07 pm

Thank you for that website, haven't seen it before, so have saved it.
I actually went to the doctor about a month ago as I've always suffered with it in my nipples if they get cold/change in temperature, but it has become much worse in pregnancy. Interestingly this last month hasn't been as bad.

Since becoming pregnant they tend to go purple and then completely white and very painful, but I wouldn't want to take medication and the doctor said that it's not that effective anyway. He also said that the milk is likely to warm them up! Not convinced, so that website will probably be a good source of information.

Don't want anything to get in the way of BFing and the nipple pain is excruciating - much worse than fingers and toes.

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Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby lochsong » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:36 pm

Hi Liz, been meaning to post on this for ages!

Charlie is 7 weeks old and I didn't even know about hypnobirthing for my previous two but I was enchanted with the idea that it gives you a calm baby and can aid breastfeeding. Neither if which had occurred with C and B.

So I used Michelle mongan Rainbow Relaxation. I bought the book, read it from cover to cover. Practised my breathing and listened to CD every night from 30 weeks.

When it came to DDay I went from zero to full on surges at 9pm. My 2nd had arrived very quickly so I could tell right away I didn't have much time. Got to mat unit at 10 asked them to prep pool. By 1025 I asked for gas and air. I was coping quite well doing the breathing but I have to say I found it difficult to zone out or visualise anything. Anyway, gas and air helped me focus breathing a bit. Pool was ready and I had to walk to room across. The midwife asked if I was ok to go and I wouldn't have him in corridor would I??!!

I walked across, pool looked lovely candles and everything but suddenly I realised it was too late. I was despite toy looking for steps. I just grabbed the side of the pool as my waters went and Charlie literally just came out in one with them. I didn't push. My body just did it. The midwife very luckily was walking in behind me and grabbed him in midair! She was very chuffed with herself!

I did scream a teeny bit at end because I think I got such a fright.

However, my labour lasted from 9pm (very first contraction) to 1039pm when he arrived! He is a beautifully calm baby and feeds pretty well!

I'd do it all again and I wish I'd known about it for first and second boys!

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Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby Liz_Mossum » Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:54 am

What a lovely story! That is the CD I'm doing and we had a lady come over to the house every week for 5 weeks. TBH, her ability to read scripts left a lot to be desired. She wasn't the most articulate and kept getting her words muddled, so we felt we'd have been better off just getting the CDs. Still, it's done now!

Hope you and Charlie are doing well. :D


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