
Pregnancy Cravings!

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Cloth Nappy Ninky Nonk
Cloth Nappy Ninky Nonk

Postby beck » Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:14 pm

Cant say I've had anything to odd.

With Hannah its was onions everything, every morning I would have to have a onion and cheese melt (straight after vomiting EVERY morning)

With Phebie it wasn't so much what I craved it was more what I couldn't have/stand.

And with this little one its Hot and spicy chicken and ginger Ale - right now I could think of nothing better for breakfast :lol:

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Cloth Nappy Passionata
Cloth Nappy Passionata

Postby HannahBanana » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:22 am

Jake is was cookies, I would eat 4 of those giant ones a day in the last month! Also crunching ice cubes (which I can't do now) I couldn't get enough of the stuff!!

Erin, early stages I had fads. I remember one evening really fancying a tomato, James went off to the shop and bought a bag of big tomatos and I just sat and ate them.... never ever eat toms on their own as not that keen! I also went through a junk food stage, and I'm not hot on junk food at all.

Then it was the ice thing again but in the form or ice lollies, fabs and orange lollies being the optimum orgasm at the time. I would finish one and thing oh bummer so go get another!

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Cloth Nappy Wise Woman
Cloth Nappy Wise Woman

Postby karenandgeorgia » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:34 am

Bananas and pear drops for me :D :D :D


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