
Anyone else get insomina in pregnancy?

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Postby AnnetteandBen » Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:07 pm

Only just found this post :shock:

Oh yes I had the wide awake thing between 3 and 4 or 4 and 5 most nights and 'the bump' would be wide awake moving around and I just couldn't sleep but was generally so tired and then find it really hard to get up in the morning for work.

Strange how a little person now screams nearly every night at 3am and all he needs is a cuddle in our bed before falling asleep before his 4am feed - coincendience or not?

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Postby clothpenguin » Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:11 pm

Thanks for getting excited for me! (will check out the Lush option by the way) please pray for babies that sleep for us, I worry so much about this...

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Postby AnnetteandBen » Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:19 pm

CP I know how sleep and sleep deprivation can be terrible, but now we are into a routine I can survive on far less sleep than I believed I needed while preg and prepreg I was an 8 to 9 hour solid person with 12 hours at a weekend. Now what we do is make sure each of us can sleep for about 5 to 6 hours straight - we must stir if Ben cries but if its not our turn of the night we go back to sleep and it works for us at the moment!

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Postby clothpenguin » Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:27 pm

Thanks Annette, I hope I can be similarly adaptive, I am such a monster when I don't sleep.

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Postby trogette » Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:21 pm

I got very unsettling dreams that would wake me up and leave me feeling, well, unsettled! and I would take an age to get back to sleep. I went to a homeopath, for various things that added up really to AND, and that seemed to knock it on the head. Might've been coincidence but I don't really think so.

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Postby clothpenguin » Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:12 am

Anyone have anything up their sleeve that can be used as a decongestant in pregnancy? I have a grim cold and feel bloody awful, I get a lot of sinus infections and usually take sudafed and otrivine to help me breathe, as it is I can't even lie down for long and I will loose the plot soon. Olbas oil is useless though smells nice.


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Postby Shevi » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:24 pm

steam and lots of it...with or without the crummy olbas!!!
when i am pottering around the kitchen i have been known to leave a pot of water boiling so i am constantly inhaling even when my ead it not over the pan...or leave the lid off the kettle...only that and those silly snorty sticks

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Postby HannahBanana » Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:39 pm

trogette wrote:I got very unsettling dreams that would wake me up and leave me feeling, well, unsettled! and I would take an age to get back to sleep. I went to a homeopath, for various things that added up really to AND, and that seemed to knock it on the head. Might've been coincidence but I don't really think so.

I had a LOT of alarming dreams while pg! Goodness knows how my sub-conscious thunk them up pmsl! some were horrid!

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Postby Shevi » Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:51 pm

with Taneli i had very vivid and some terrifiing dreams...thank goodness i didn't have them with Boo...i remeber David waking me up in the night cos i'd been screaming and crying in my sleep...and actully being too terrified to go back to sleep in case they happened again...i did find a solution tho...Enid blyton Books!!! they clear your head from all the nastys!


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