Carpal tunnel in pregnancy

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Carpal tunnel in pregnancy

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:54 pm
by LynniferT
I have carpal tunnel symptoms in the hand i didnt have surgery on, assuming its due to being pregnant and have consulted midwife who said its best to see doctor. From what i have read there is nothing you can do apart from wear splints at night i dont see that there is much point seeing doctor, especially when appointments are so hard to come by :(

How soon after pregnancy will the symptoms disappear? The last three fingers on my left hand have permanent pins and needles/numbness in the fingertips and its starting to bug me now :x

Re: Carpal tunnel in pregnancy

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:05 pm
by cuppachaplz
Hugs to you. Carpal tunnel is miserable :(
I had carpal tunnel with percy.
I saw the physio no who gave me splints and exercises. When they didn't work too well, I was referred to rheumatology for some injections into the joint space. These are supposed to work quite well, but the last thing they try. I never got as far as the injections due to pregnancy complications and premature labour, so can't comment personally. It us worth asking for your MW to refer you to the ante natal physio though. I found her really helpful.

Re: Carpal tunnel in pregnancy

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:37 am
by Bernadette
I had it with both of my pregnancies. It was sore but got used to it after a bit. Once they were born it went away.

Re: Carpal tunnel in pregnancy

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:22 pm
by LynniferT
Fingers crossed it goes as soon as baby is born then... Its sooo annoying though as its like i can only feel half my hand and i just want to shake the numbness away :waiting: