Conception tips?

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Conception tips?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:41 pm
by PixieFix
Apart from the obvious (!) does anybody have any tips? Been trying for number 2 since November. I know its not really that long but with Erinae it was instant which I think spoiled me a little because I can feel myself starting to go a bit crazy. Especially since my SIL is due her 2nd baby this month and last time we were pregnant together :(

Re: Conception tips?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:27 pm
by clothmama
I'd say do it every 2 or max 3 nights from the time your period stops. Not doing it every night is better to let the sperms build up a bit . Try to relax as if you are tense that won't help and obviously having a big 'O' helps as well :giggle: . 2nd babies cna take longer for some reason but try not to worry or get all stressed about it - it will happen when the time is right - I'd be :panic: myself if I had a baby due when your sil does :giggle:

Are you still BF? Not a reason to stop if you are but can slow conception down and dropping even one feed can help.

I hope you guys are doing well - would love a new pic of Erinae - I bet she is such a cutie! Rémy is a little rocket - lots of fun (but unfortunately forever teething and not sleeping :doh: ).

Lovely to see you and good luck with the TTC :fingerscrossed: for a :bfp: soon :hug: let us know how you get on!

Re: Conception tips?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:43 pm
by ems101
Are you using a fertility indicator? We did, but also hit jackpot first time so not sure if it helped or not. Legs in the air afterwards.... Gravity helps?!?

Re: Conception tips?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:51 pm
by clothmama
ems101 wrote:Legs in the air afterwards.... Gravity helps?!?

Ohh I forgot that one - that is definitely worth doing!

Re: Conception tips?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:35 pm
by ems101
I hear being bought a cuppa in bed can help too (or did I make that one up?!?)

Re: Conception tips?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:43 pm
by clothmama
ems101 wrote:I hear being bought a cuppa in bed can help too (or did I make that one up?!?)
I'm sure that would help :twisted: :twisted: whilst keeping your hips propped up on a pillow!

Have a few drinks to relax :wine: :wine: - worked every time for me :giggle: :giggle: !!

Re: Conception tips?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:50 pm
by confusinglady
ems101 wrote:I hear being bought a cuppa in bed can help too (or did I make that one up?!?)

:hohoho: @ems101 you crack me up!!!!

I hate to say it but alcohol worked everytime for me too :giggle:

Re: Conception tips?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:41 am
by PixieFix
:giggle: lots of good tips. Especially like the cuppa in bed @ems101 :giggle: By fertility indicator do you mean temperature and the like? I'm not, although I did learn the signs before we started trying for Erinae, and like you I got pregnant first try. But now my body is so different, I don't know what's going on :evil: very annoying

Erinae is doing great @clothmama She is a really happy little person who loves to eat so I couldn't ask for much more :D She does love to climb, which keeps me on my toes! Will pop a picture up soon.

Re: Conception tips?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:51 am
by ems101

You can get ovulation sticks. Pee on a stick rather than temps etc.