
Scan news

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Scan news

Postby AnnetteandBen » Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:30 pm

In brief :lol: :lol: :lol:

Today is 32 weeks and 6 days and we went for our scan and MRI results.

The actual scan took nearly an hour because as usual the baby would not stay still and at one point actually kicked the scanning probe so hard it lost contact with my tummy! It also seemed that every time they just got into view what they wanted to measure, baby then moved completely. I did warn them before I started the baby does not like being scanned and would not cooperate!

The MRI results have come back ‘normal’ and with the scan today show the ‘puddle’ that has been the problem in the brain has stayed the same size, while the rest of the brain and head circumference has grown. So the potential problem is still listed as mild / borderline but there are no other abnormalities and the technical bit they wrote in the report was ‘the findings are most likely to be variants of normal with a good outcome’.

The only thing they wanted to do was do a double check for down’s syndrome via an amniocentesis. This Robert and I had already discussed and had said no way, so when they mentioned it today we just said “no”, they asked our reasons and I basically said this baby is coming in around 7 weeks, so what does it matter if it has or hasn’t got down’s, especially given our tiny risk factor at the other scans. So they mentioned that in the UK you can still have a termination at this late stage if it was a positive test result. But as we are keeping this baby no matter what, they respected it. They also thought we were strange for still not finding out the sex!

I still have too much amniotic fluid surrounding the baby and the baby was breech today. They are going to do another scan in 3 weeks to check the amount of fluid again and have mentioned that possibly the baby might have an ‘oesophageal obstruction’ which would need a tube to clear it straight after birth, but I don’t think it has, I just make fluid and its only slightly too much.

Now for the fun bits – the scanning unit actually had a 4d feature so they flicked to the 4d bit and we got to see the baby’s face in real time 3d and they printed us out 2 photos of it. Apparently not all of their units do it, and they don’t advertise the fact but I think the scanner people (by this time I was on the 2nd doctor prodding and the consultant had already been called to come and double check the other twos findings) got bored so had a look. I think the baby looks more like Robert than me!

The baby is already quite heavy at 2330 g / 5.13 lbs (I was only 6lbs 6 at birth!) with a head circumference of 31.2cm and is going to be tall and perhaps lanky with its femur being 6.66cm long and its humerus 5.67cm.

We also saw the consultant who told me off for not going to hospital with my sinus cold at the start of the week – I knew it was sinuses and nothing to worry about, but she likes to worry on my behalf! And I see her in 4 weeks and then probably again on the labour ward.



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Postby AnnetteandBen » Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:31 pm

and this one!


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Postby ericaj1 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:45 pm


Phew for the MRI results, sounds alot more promising than the prognosis a few weeks ago :D . Baby looks a real cutie pie! Are you sensing boy still? Don't blame you for not wanting the amnio. Hope you can relax a lot more now and enjoy those last few weeks.

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Postby nic1 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:54 pm

Awwwww fab piccies and the news to me sounds quite reassuring really. Like you say this baby is coming into this world so regardless of the outcome (which the likelihood of probs sounds very minimal anyway) i think you and your dh have taken the right decision hun and he/she will soon be here :D

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Postby AnnetteandBen » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:02 pm

Still thinking its a boy, 1) due to the 1 page of online research that said the puddle thing is more common in boys - and drs told us some of it is because of its gender.

2) It really looks like dh, and somehow I pitty it looking like him and therefore also his mum :oops:

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Postby ericaj1 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:11 pm

Aww baby boys are wonderful. I was convinced Jack was a girl and convinced myself I wouldn't love another boy as much but as soon as he wa born and they said its a boy I was over the moon with him! Then again afte a 3 day lbout they could have said Its an alien and still could have been happy :wink:

I think most nbs look like their daddy, something to do with the man acceping the baby as his own progeny (stems from cavemen), but they do change, my girls now look nothing like their dad and look like me and my sister. Jack was the absolute double of Luis but looks less and less like him as he gets older.

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Postby clothmama » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:03 pm

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D i'm so pleased for you!!! Baby boys rock!!

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Postby kt24 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:03 pm

Oh Annette, Glad the results were encouraging.
Love the pics, baby looks so cute!
It's really not long now either. Soooo exciting. :D

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Postby Pinchette » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:45 pm

WOW Annette, those pictures are simply amazing.
I'm shocked that they still give terminations that late in pregnacies. I don't blame you for refusing the amnio thought. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly.



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