
Lots of pain :(

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Lots of pain :(

Postby beck » Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:21 am

I have been having the worst pain for the last few weeks and really dont know what to do, not that I think theres alot to do anyway.

I think its SPD, that and everything just seems really weak in my hip/pelvis area. Has anyone else had it? Is there anything that you can do, I'm almost at my wits end about it, walking is terrible and the added strain of bending and picking Phebie up is awful - really wish she would start walking properly. I did have this with Phebie but certainly wasn't as bad and went to a pregnancy physio but it really didn't do much at all. Of course I think a big part of it is having 2 babies close together (wouldn't reccommend it :roll: )

Really just needing to have a whinge really but if anyone has any ideas that would be great :?

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Postby Velvetsteph » Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:26 am

Ooooooooooooooooh I had SPD and it was AWFUL!

I got referred to the physio by the MW and it helped a little but unfortuantely until you give birth (or the head engages and stabilises the pelvis) there's not an awful lot you can do...

There is also a thing called PGP or pelvic girdle pain which is similar but I think may be treated differently...

The physio gave me a few excercises to do and tips on how to lift with SPD, get in/out of a car, swimming, birth plan (haha that went out the window!), in/out bed, sleeping tips etc but the thing that helped the most was the support belt she gave me... She also gave me a HUGE tubigrip which helped a little but wasn't as good as the belt...
It's no good while you're sitting down but actually meant I could walk places again without wincing...

I would get yourself referred to the antenatal physio asap really as if it gets really bad you may need crutches! (I kid you not... Ask Hannah!)

Having babies closer together as you say is a part of it as the hormones relax everything meaning you get more movement etc...

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Postby Shevi » Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:28 am

i was gonna suggest a support belt and physio too. hope you find something that works.
poor you :cry:

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Postby AnnetteandBen » Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:32 pm

(((((((((((Beck)))))))))))))) I don't know, but I do know that my whole hip area feels a lot looser than normal and just weird, but luckily not painful.

Hope a physio can help and not carrying heavy weights over any distance or length of time and taking things a little easier might help.

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Postby clothmama » Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:53 pm

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((beck)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you poor thing, that must be so hard to deal with with 2 other littlies to look after :(

I agree with the others, don't just put up with it go and see a phisio and get everything they can offer!

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Postby kt24 » Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:51 pm

(((((Beck)))))). That's not what you need. I did find my back and pelvis were a lot worse with Zac's pregnancy and I really thin that was to do with still having to lift and carry Lockie all the time. Getting out of bed was the worst part.

Can't suggest anything different than what the others have said I'm afraid. Just try and rest as much as poss. (Not easy I know :( ) and think that it really isn't too long now until you get to meet him.

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Postby lilylover » Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:17 am

Oh beck ((((())))) for you, it doesn't sound too nice. I think you really need to go and see someone and hopefully they can at least help ease the pain. Just think you can tell the little mister how much pain he caused you when he's being a ratty teenager :lol:


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Postby beck » Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:17 am

lol dont worry Sam I plan too!!!

I'm seeing the ob at the hospital on tuesday so I'll definately be asking about it more then and if he wont refer me then I'll go see my gp shes fab and I'm share caring with her anyway (not overly happy about that but thats another story)

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Postby caeganol » Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:53 pm

Hello Beck,
Sorry to hear about the pain, Non experience here, but i am thinking about you dear.
It is hard when you have kids to look after, and yes, do mention to the docs/midwives.
Physio and the belt seems like a good idea.

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