
I have an induction date

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I have an induction date

Postby clothpenguin » Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:09 am


Its very exciting but all things considered, I didn't think I'd even get this far let alone be induced! Anyone have any advice so that if we do make it to the big day (37+1), we have all the things we need in hospital! At least we can plan in advance.

CP + Beans

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Postby HannahBanana » Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:18 am

What's the date?!?!

I will probably have some advice but right now my brain doesn't work I'm afraid x x

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Postby clothpenguin » Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:19 am

Jan 16th, sorry to be a placenta brain!

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Postby HannahBanana » Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:28 am

Oh wow, that'll be here before you know it!!! x

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Postby jules070603 » Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:14 pm

0h W0w, that really is n0t far away is it.

My 0nly advice w0uld be t0 rest and let DH d0 everything :lol: :lol: well d0ne f0r getting this far, it must be hard w0rk :wink:

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Postby Rae » Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:24 pm

When I heard people suggesting I should make meals and freeze them before the due date I thought it was a bit naff. In retrospect, since I had to cook for 4 people (myself, my partner and his parents), in the early days when I was trying to breastfeed (which was taking 75 minutes at a go) and get my daughter to sleep for an hour before it all began again.... I think getting things such as a few adults meals made in advance would have been a great help.
I do think if you get a chance to rest it is good (however I was grouting the tiles on the kitchen floor the few days before giving birth).

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Postby JanX » Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:43 pm

my advice would be:

1. Enjoy the next couple of weeks with you and hubby, this will be the last time you will be just 2! and believe me going from 2 to 4 (or 3 to 5 as we did! :wink: ) is amazing fun but quite a shock at first!

2. Try to take things as easy as you can, you're gonna need all your energy when babies arrive!

3. This is the most important, don't stress or worry! having twins is hard (i won't pretend it isn't) but we are adaptable creatures and somehow we just adapt and overcome everything that comes our way!

I used to be soooo worried that I wouldn't be able to cope etc, but I do, as will you!

Just wondering.. what position are the babies in at the moment?

jan x

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Postby clothpenguin » Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:25 pm

Thanks for your replies, we are freezing food as we speak! also I am incapable of sitting on the floor so no grouting for me! It is very scary thinking of going from two to four, especially as we spend alot of time together and indulge in quick dinners out and trips to the pub etc, it will be a huge transition to have two tiny people who need us so much. We are so excited but very scared too.

The presenting twin is head down, and his/her sibling is breach transverse at the moment, they've been like that for weeks and weeks although before the little one at the bottom engaged he/she did twiddle himself into true breach :roll: but then wriggled back again, lets hope they stay that way as the medical team prefer to go for natural birth unless the presenting twin is breach. Fingers crossed, I just want them here safely but I would rather not have a section unless I have to.

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Postby Shevi » Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:31 pm

OOOH! its sooo exciting!!!
food in the freezer is good...birth bag is vital...relax and enjoy your last couple of weeks of just you and DH...very very important


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