
Go leon!

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Go leon!

Postby littlesez » Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:18 pm

Leon has started weeing on his potty , yay :)

He has always had loads of nappy free time as he really just loves being naked :hohoho: and he has known for months when he needs to wee but just wouldn't entertain the potty and can't really reach or aim for the toilet even with a step. He doesn't want to sit, which us understandable but he has been occasionally weeing on his potty :yahoo: we are going to have him undies and training pants as much as possible, maybe keep nappies for out and about and nights.

He's all grown up! So happy with himself , ded proud and likes showing off :giggle:
Today he weed 3 times on the potty and asked for nappy for his poo. Was just about to buy some more nappies to replace his outgrown one's but not gonna bother :widesmile:

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Re: Go leon!

Postby Dancing mum » Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:26 pm

Well done, big boy in deed :yahoo:

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Re: Go leon!

Postby autumnalgirl » Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:14 am

So clever!!

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Re: Go leon!

Postby littlesez » Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:14 pm

Leon is so stubborn and determined, I am so surprised how he is getting on

Like I siad he could have done this month's ago but was adamant he was not up for using potty or the toilet. It wouldn't have been a problem if he was happy in nappies but he hates wearing them and had taken to stripping and then peeing on the floor, cheeky monkey !

He hasn't had a day nappy for days now, just requested one when he needs a poo. Can't believe it, although I fear that may be hard long term can't help feeling so proud of him asking !

Tonight I put him to bed and he started crying, then was shouting off off, he needed a wee bless him , went for a pwe and asked for undies.I just sneaked a nappy on over the top hope he will be ok :/

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Re: Go leon!

Postby docmaggoo » Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:12 am

Go Leon!
Fantastic progress. So pleased to hear he's started to tell you when he needs to go.

Don't get me wrong, I love love love my cloth nappies.... but its quite liberating being able to go out without a huge nappy bag/ wet bag and dirty stuff!

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Re: Go leon!

Postby Louise » Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:58 am

Well done Leon! :yahoo:

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