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Postby vickyblanken » Wed May 04, 2011 9:08 pm

Daughter's almost 21 months and I've no idea where to start re potty training!!!
She will randomly shout 'poo!' but it seems to have no connection to her nappy activity whatsoever! We've had a potty for a couple of months but to be honest, it's just a bathroom dust gatherer... She's a very lively, wilful little girl and whenever I've plonked her on the potty she's immediately jumped off and found something else to do.
I feel like I'm being a complete wuss about this; it seems easier just to leave her in nappies at the moment as she doesn't seem to have much control yet, but I've read that other mums have been plonking their LOs on the potty from 7 months.
Advice please?!?! :-?

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Re: Scared!

Postby knees_on » Wed May 04, 2011 9:12 pm

personally, I wait til they give me cues which I find usually starts around 18 months and we do toilet for a couple of months and then they lose interest until just after 2nd birthday and then its the real thing. We have never done potties though. Eewww! :giggle:

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Re: Scared!

Postby vickyblanken » Wed May 04, 2011 9:25 pm

I had wondered about going straight for the loo...I have an little seat so might try plonking her on that...x

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Re: Scared!

Postby BingBongBoo » Thu May 05, 2011 6:31 am

There's no rule that says you have to start right now if you don't want to. Most LOs don't even start to have any awareness of bladder/bowel functions until 18 months or so. When people put 7 month olds on potties, they are probably practicing Elimination Communication (EC) which is quite different.

DD has just turned 2 and I'm planning to wait a little longer (at least until the weather is consistently warmer so she can run around with no pants on!) She will *sometimes* tell me if she's done a poo or is wet and wants her nappy changed but not always. Don't feel under pressure to get started - you will know when your LO is getting ready. When you do decide to go for it, you can always ask your HV for a few tips or, of course, ask on here!

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