Night nappies rec please!

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Night nappies rec please!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:37 am
by twirlygirly
DS2 is 5 months old now. He's in cloth all day but still in disposables at night. I'd like to hear your suggestions for cloth at night for him. He was 16lbs 3oz about a month ago. He has really chunky thighs. He feeds at night so wets quite heavily.
Thanks for any help you can give x

Re: Night nappies rec please!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:23 pm
by Sunset
We use Minki's stuffed with either a bamboo terry or prefold. They fit both my chunky thighed boy and sparrow legged chap and are quick drying which we need in this house.

Re: Night nappies rec please!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:38 pm
by epsilon1
I use QD bumbles stuffed with either a 40cm bamboo square or 2 p'tit dessous inserts. With a blueberry coverall over the top. It can look a bit huge, but who cares at night?

I also got a pre-loved Weenotions Night Notions, which works pretty well and is a bit slimmer, but takes longer to dry.

Junior sounds like your DS - he was 18lb 5 at 6 months :shock: and has chubby little thighs :love:

Re: Night nappies rec please!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:54 pm
by docmaggoo
Two part nappies are the most absorbent - so perfect for overnight.

We use fitted nappies and wool - but you could use a PUL or fleece wrap if you want.

We uses dedicated night nappies when Eleanor was 6-12 months old and was her heaviest wetting overnight. (Holden landings bed bug plus we're our faves!)
Now she isn't wetting as much we use an old style bamboo tots bots nappy with a petit desous insert inside!

Using wool over the fitted nappy will make the nappy last longer as it can 'breathe' and you get some drying of the nappy overnight too!

Re: Night nappies rec please!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:10 pm
by shuddart
My son was a pretty heavy wetter before he potty trained but we used a Bumble with a large booster the nappy lady sells - is a long booster with 2 bamboo strips and a microfibre centre strip then you fold it down to whatever you need and I know she does a XL booster as well which is a similar sort of thing but more absorbent bits. The long strip means is still quick drying despite the bamboo bits.

Re: Night nappies rec please!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:56 am
by clothmama
Another bumble fan here, with wool on top, love it as it can be stuffed as needed. Also loved Ellas house hemp and babybeehinds boosted again with wool.

Re: Night nappies rec please!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:59 am
by twirlygirly
Can I ask about using wool? Can it be used under a sleeping bag?