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Postby Bessandra » Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:19 pm


What do you do about puddings for your little ones? At tea time I mean.
Jonah is. 18 months now (really?!) and sometimes he has yoghurt, sometimes fruit, tonight - Eton mess, sometimes something cakey.
He's been waking hungry and early in the mornings so I find myself wondering if I should be doing a more substantial pudding in the evenings...

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Re: Puddings

Postby JabberJabber » Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:06 pm

We don't really do big puddings unless it's a big family meal. Most times we would just do yoghurts, fruit or occasionally jelly.

If you think Jonah is still hungry, would it be better to up the size of his main meal instead, as puddings tend to sweeter?

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Re: Puddings

Postby lazylexis » Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:21 pm

We tend to give N something before bed like a banana or bagel or toast.pudding after dinner he tends to have frozen yogurt (he thinks it's ice cream!!) with fruit or sometimes something else if I've made cake etc

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Re: Puddings

Postby usinukveg » Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:30 pm

We pretty much always do full-fat greek yogurt, no sugar added, just the natural kind. It's 10% fat or something mad like that, so keeps him full till morning. I'm not really a fan of giving sweetened foods in the evening as teeth brushing is sometimes not as thorough as I'd like (due to our little tooth brush muncher). I know that it's probably boring to never vary dessert, but it goes down like a charm every time and is full of fat and protein to last until morning.

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Re: Puddings

Postby Bessandra » Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:39 pm

Thanks so much ladies.

Kate - he has a pretty sizeable portion already. I don't know where he puts it! He's really slim! (Takes after his dad evidently!)

LL - I like the idea of a banana or something before bed.. Will certainly try that one.

usinukveg - what is it they say? If the wheel ain't broke ;-)
I'm not sure jonah's ever had Greek yoghurt (mummy fail).. Will give that one a go thank you


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