
quickish drying fitted for moderate wetter,please!

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quickish drying fitted for moderate wetter,please!

Postby fleur08 » Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:38 am

as it says, i need more fitteds for em, not a mega wetter & seems to manage 3-4 poos during the day so noting gets sodden before it needs changing.
was using pockets but changing due to fleece probs & dont want fleece lined stuff. or microfibre ,cant stand the feel of it.

i dont have a dryer so will need something which doesnt take days to dry - wont have enough room with normal washing hanging about!

so what does everyone recomend?

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Re: quickish drying fitted for moderate wetter,please!

Postby emmalala » Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:07 pm

little lambs micofibre? does'nt take long to dry and copes with dans normal wetting
ETA just seen you dont like microfibre :oops: :giggle: sorry, no clue really,

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Re: quickish drying fitted for moderate wetter,please!

Postby emmajayne33 » Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:54 pm

I find my WNNL dry's reasonably quickly, how about a Goodmama's, they don't seem to take as long to dry either... TBH, I am struggling to dry all of mine indoors... :roll:

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Re: quickish drying fitted for moderate wetter,please!

Postby Louise » Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:03 pm

My DnFs don't take too long to dry, neither do my FFs.

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Re: quickish drying fitted for moderate wetter,please!

Postby paintedclaws » Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:14 pm

I find that our goodmamas, dunkNfluff, jimmy riddles, puddlekins and piddle poddles are all pretty quick drying. NL's take a bit longer IMO.

Really anything that has a poppered insert or pocket for inserts will speed up the drying time because it all comes apart.

I can't stand the feel of microfibre either. It gives me the shivers lol.

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Re: quickish drying fitted for moderate wetter,please!

Postby Lizzy » Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:13 pm

tots bots cotton nappies are ace and don't take too long to dry. they go cheap too as they are not especially pretty but can be dyed, etc... :wink:

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Re: quickish drying fitted for moderate wetter,please!

Postby rhead » Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:56 am

I liked cotton Tots for size 1s as well (or Bamboozles) - the ones I was using had an attached fleece liner, which is easy to clean poo off :giggle:, and because they were bright colours they didn't have the staining issues of white nappies. I like smaller/trimmer size 2s though, DD is pretty skinny.

ETA Just saw you don't like fleece, but the liner was only attached at one end, you could just cut it out *if* they're even still made that way.

My top recommendation would probably be Muttaqins, though! They're very quick drying, usually have a coloured velour inner (also easy to clean and doesn't stain easily), are super cute, and are reasonably priced (if you order them direct at the moment you can choose between free worldwide shipping and buy 3 get 1 free: http://www.muttaqinbaby.com/shop/). They don't cope too well with heavy wetters (although she has just added an extra layer of absorbency, so may be better now) but they're great for light-moderate wetters. Also, if you buy the OS (3SR) nappies, you won't have to worry about them not lasting long.

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Re: quickish drying fitted for moderate wetter,please!

Postby ramsons » Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:22 pm

I line dry or rack dry everything and ds also does similar no of poos etc. I use hemp/cotton blend nappies becuase I found cotton nappies weren't quite aborbant enough. Quickest drying for me are swaddlebees organic velor one size. The New style (both inserts popper out) not the old style with one sewn in booster. Although I've taken apart old style ones with sewn in boosters without damaging the nappy quite easily and it speeds up the drying time on them.
I found as long as I rinse and avoid build up in the machine and use a little bit of vinegar in the rinse they stay soft too. Had no trouble with hemp turning to cardboard. In fact now so sorted can buy secound hand hemp cardboard nappies from down sout and turn it into softness again :giggle: They're expensive new but second hand seem to go for £6-7

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Re: quickish drying fitted for moderate wetter,please!

Postby happytails » Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:46 pm

Our fastested drying fitteds are our Goodmama's and Bugga Bugga Boutique.

The Bugga's are nippa fastening, i had never used a nippa successfully until last week when i received this, it fits well too!

Amber is quite a heavy wetter and the above will last 3-4 hours :) x


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