
How many wraps do i need?

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How many wraps do i need?

Postby petal4monkey » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:01 am

Hi, i'm new to cloth nappies, planning on using them with my next baby who is due in january. I am planning on buying a selection of brands to see what suits us and one of the brands i was going to buy was little lambs as i've read some great reviews. I see on their website they sell a pack of 5 bamboo which i shall be purchasing and was just wondering how many wraps i should also purchase? I'm also getting a selection of all-in-ones, some btp and also some pre-folds. trying a bit of everything really!
Thanks in advance,
Ally + bean :)

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Re: How many wraps do i need?

Postby monsterm » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:08 am

Hi Allie,

To go with the 5 bamboo little lambs, I would buy 3 wraps. TBH the little lambs ones aren't great imo but I know some people love them. I much prefer the motherease wraps. Just so you know as well, unless you have a very big newborn (9.5lbs +) size 1 nappies won't fit straight away. You will need some nb or x-small nappies & wraps or newborn prefolds.

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Re: How many wraps do i need?

Postby petal4monkey » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:20 am

thank you for the advice. i am expecting a larger baby, my first was 8lb1oz, second 8lb15oz so i reckon this one will be around the 9.5lb mark! eeeek!

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Re: How many wraps do i need?

Postby justme123 » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:39 am

I'm using 2 part nappies full time with a newborn. I wash every 2-3 days and find that I need at least 5 wraps for daytimes, plus wool / fleece for nights.

On size, my LO was 8'10 at birth and has been in size 1 totsbots bamboozles (and cotton tb) and small motherease wraps pretty much from birth. I love size 0 tots wraps too- they give such a neat fit under clothes.

Good luck!

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Re: How many wraps do i need?

Postby jclmellor » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:30 am

my advice would be to try the lovely little lamb bamboo nappies but perhaps not buy them new - you can get very reasonably priced second hand ones from the classifieds here, or from other second hand websites (or ebay). i wouldn't recommend little lambs wraps actually. tots bots wraps are better, and motherease wraps also.

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Re: How many wraps do i need?

Postby rachymoo » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:51 am

See I love Little Lamb wraps! I was really glad I bought some ready for my little man to arrive. However I do love the Motherease wraps too and they do fit over more nappies - I mainly used the Little Lamb wraps over Little Lamb nappies and Totsbots Bamboozles.

We never had a problem with anything being too big, right from birth we used size 1 Little Lambs and Totsbots Bamboozles, and small Motherease Sandys. He was 9lb at birth though :giggle: I had some Teenyfits too but TBH if I'd known he was going to be so chunky I would have gone straight for Easyfits. :giggle: I know for smaller babies though people prefer things like Teenyfits, XS Sandys, XS OWW etc.

In answer to the original question, I started off with about 6 PUL wraps (2 Little Lamb, 2 Motherease Rikki and 2 Motherease Airflow) and a couple of fleece wraps/soakers. I hardly ever use PUL now though, I prefer wool and occasionally fleece.

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