
August's read - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo chat

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August's read - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo chat

Postby Annette » Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:06 pm

So who managed to finish it?

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Re: August's read - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo chat

Postby Annette » Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:09 pm

It was discussed before that it started a bit slowly and was quite disjointed with the first few chapters following different characters but once it got going I really enjoyed it. It kept me interested and dying to know the outcome.

The thing I struggled with was the foreign names and places, it referred to papers and magazines and events that I got the impression I should know about but don't - did anyone else find that or was it just me. I am also rubbish at following large numbers of different characters as I have a terrible memory but I like the family tree at the beginning which I could refer to, I think I would have been well and truly lost without it :giggle:

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Re: August's read - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo chat

Postby Annette » Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:09 pm

Oh and I want to read the sequel now!

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Re: August's read - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo chat

Postby becsom » Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:52 pm

I think I had an advantage that I started this book when I went away for a weekend without the kids so could get into it without any distractions!!

I didn't find the beginning too bad - possibly because I work for a part-Swedish company so was quite interested in the references to Swedish places/businesses etc. But by the time I was a few chapters in, I struggled to put the damn thing down!!

Annette wrote:I like the family tree at the beginning which I could refer to

Totally agree with this - I kept having to refer back to it to remember who was who in the Vanger dynasty :giggle:

The things I liked: The way the author kept me wanting to find out what had happened to Harriet, the pace of the book, the misfit character of Lisbeth (although some of it is a bit unbelievable).

The bits I didn't like: Some of the nasty sexual abuse type stuff - did anyone else think the part where Lisbeth was attacked by her guardian a bit gratuitous and unnecessarily graphic? Also not sure about the ending - finding Harriet was alive (I kinda guessed she was going to be) was all a bit Hollywood.......well, I wouldn't be surprised if this book is made into a film soon!

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Re: August's read - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo chat

Postby Annette » Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:43 am

no one want to discuss the book? or are you all still reading it?

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Re: August's read - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo chat

Postby Velvetsteph » Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:51 am

Annette wrote:no one want to discuss the book? or are you all still reading it?

trying to find the time to put into words what I think ;)

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Re: August's read - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo chat

Postby moonfruit » Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:03 am

Velvetsteph wrote:
Annette wrote:no one want to discuss the book? or are you all still reading it?

trying to find the time to put into words what I think ;)


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Re: August's read - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo chat

Postby kt24 » Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:10 am

I'm finding it difficult to organise my thoughts on this one...............

It was certainly intriguing. I really wanted to keep reading to see how it turned out. I didn't guess the final outcome until quite near the end which was good. I don't like it when its obvious where a book is heading too early. I was slightly disappointed that all that had happened really was that Harriet had run away to escape her evil Brother but I can't really pinpoint why.

I did find the sexual violence a bit strong too, it could have been implied without needing to be so graphic but then it is quite an important theme throughout.

I liked the way it switched between Blomkvist and Salander in the first half until they joined forces. It was interesting trying to work out how the two stories were going to be linked.

I did have trouble with all the names and places and it did take a while to get them all straight. There are a lot of characters in this book!

I'm debating now whether I want to read the next one or not.

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Re: August's read - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo chat

Postby winniewheresmypooh » Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:13 am

I loved this book! Found it slowish to start but not bad enough that I would have given up.

Annette I agree that references to various swedish things was a bit :-? Certainly felt like I should know what they were talking about. Also the kroner was a bit lost on me as I have no idea how much that is actually worth IYSWIM. I suppose being translated from swedish this is to be expected as if they change too much it would be a bit like re writing the whole thing. The family tree was definatly a big help. There are so many of the Vanger family it was a bit hard to follow.

I really didn't like that the characters were refered to by their surnames so frequently. Found it a bit reportish

There were parts that had me Oooooh-ing out loud and DP kept telling me to shut up! :giggle: Definatly a build up of suspense. Even right up to the point that blomkvist says Hello Harriett, I still wasn't certain that she was still alive although I also kinda guessed that she would be.

I also think that the sexual references were an important theme and vital to the 'feel' of the story even though quite graphic.

The actually ending I was soooo angry at. The build up was that Lisbeth and Blomkvist would get together by the end. I really hoped that they would. I know it wasn't a trashy romance type story but it would have been nice if the girl had got the guy in the end. TBH I felt a bit cheated at the end. The dead girl was alive and the romance just sort of never happened. :x


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