
boosters for wnss?

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boosters for wnss?

Postby fluffycabbage » Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:21 pm

which boosters do you find fit a wnss well? need to get some bamboo, but dont know whats slim enough!

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Re: boosters for wnss?

Postby MrsWeirdo » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:30 am

Ellas House (? - it's Ella's something, I could be getting confused with some kind baby food thingy..... I know there's an ellas something too!) hemp fleece boosters are great :) Nice and slim fitting. I find hemp fleece tends to work better for us than hemp jersey, but you can pick up Easy peasy hemp Jersey boosters for about £2 each, and they're not too bad.

Hemp is just as absorbant (more IMO!) than bamboo, and dries much quicker too :)

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Re: boosters for wnss?

Postby charliesam » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:41 am

it depeands what size you have- we have large and i tend to use a blueberry os insert (microfibre with hemp underneath with an extra hemp booster (usually a swaddlebees) underneath :mrgreen:

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Re: boosters for wnss?

Postby Kirstyh » Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:00 am

I use all sorts, I have some BB inserts that I pop and extra peachy cheeks hourglass shaped bamboo insert in, I also use easy peasy with a small bamboo insert on top, PD work well as well. x

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Re: boosters for wnss?

Postby vampiredreams » Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:36 am

I use my mothercare smart nappyt inserts boosted with a bamboo booster and sometimes also my BB insert

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Re: boosters for wnss?

Postby rhead » Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:10 pm

Which size? I've found a small P'tits Dessous bamboo insert with a Greenkids hemp booster in the middle to be a great fit in a medium, very absorbent and still pretty trim-fitting. You can put just about anything in a large but guessing your LO isn't in larges yet!

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