
New to pockets and need advice...

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New to pockets and need advice...

Postby cazza1982_123 » Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:58 pm

Hi there,
Just need some help. My LO is 10 weeks and we have been using cloth since he was 5 weeks - fitteds with a wrap and prefolds. Just got my first pocket the other day - it is a preloved green acres design. I stuffed it with the insert that came with it (not sure what its made of) and also put a prefold in as well to boost the absorbancy a bit. After one hour the nappy had leaked around the left side where the poppers are. It did look like a really good fit so I'm confused as to why it leaked as the stuffing wasn't that wet. I did put in a fleece liner - should I not have done this? Also the insert was at the bottom and the prefold nearest to LO's bottom so should it have been the other way around?

Have order more pockets - 1 stuffie, 2 fuzzi bunz, 2 peapods and a lollipop and really hope they work!

Also does anyone know about using any of the above as a night time nappy (as I haven't used cloth at nght yet and am still using eco-disposables for this) or would I need to invest in something like wee-notions night time?

Thanks! Caroline x

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Re: New to pockets and need advice...

Postby samandsally » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:41 pm


I have not used the nappy you mentioned so maybe not much help there.I think the order in which the insert and prefold go depend on what they are made of, ie most quickly absorbant on top. I have used a cotton prefold in a fuzzi and it lasted well and no leaks at all, do not think there was much room for anything else!
I did use fuzzis overnight when my wee man was about the same age as your lo and used the fuzzininsert and two easy peasy hemp inserts underneath. This worked well, no leaks, and he was feeding loads overnight at that stage. Have moved onto stankadrd minkis now, they just feel soft and cosy and keep him very dry. Good luck

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Re: New to pockets and need advice...

Postby twinkletot » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:45 pm

I haven't used the nappy you have mentioned either but I do use stuffies at night and they are fab. The only nappy that can contain all of ds's wee overnight and doesn't leak when used with a WN fleece wrap

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Re: New to pockets and need advice...

Postby naiya » Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:59 am


which type of lollipop did you order?
we have used Lollipop Rainbows overnight with extra boosting which have worked very well before for us!
we've also used Fuzzi's and they've worked very well in the day for us :)
Afraid I can't help on the nappy your using at the moment though!


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Re: New to pockets and need advice...

Postby Kirstyh » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:52 am

Haven't tried the nappy you have but if the inserts you were using was microfibe then it won't be absorbant enough, my squishes the wee out when it gets too wet and there for causes wicking. You need to put something more absorbent like bamboo or hemp underneath the mf. Bamboo and hemp absorb more but are slower to absorb which is why you need something wick to absorb on top. The 19p hand towels from Ikea are fab :oops: :giggle:
I used fuzzies at night when Gracie was smaller but you will need something really absorbent, easy peasy hemp inserts are great (need a few washes to reach full absorbency), petite dessous bamboo inserts are great for using on top of hemp.
As for fleece liners, fleece isn't absorbent but it does provide a nice stay dry layer when next to babies bottom.
Hope this makes sense and is of some help. xx

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