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Going Green With Your Baby? 7 Ways to Combine Cloth & EC...

Permanent Linkby tribalbaby on Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:24 am

Nappies become a parenting tool while practicing EC - useful, but not essential all the time.

You'll discover that you can reduce your reliance on nappies and have a more relaxed approach to toilet training all together, as your confidence with managing your baby's hygiene needs in alternative ways will increase. You'll be able to confidently hold your baby nappy free in your arms or in a baby sling for parts of the day at home, even just in pants when in a sling when out and about!

While learning, and practicing a spot of EC with your baby, nappies become a parenting tool, something you use fully at times, only casually some of the time, not at all at other times, without fear about wee everywhere, as you slowly get to know your baby's rhythms.

The Question is "Why Combine Real Cloth Nappies With Being Part-Time Nappy Free?"

Here are 7 reasons why doing EC with Cloth Nappies is GREAT:

1. Practicing Elimination Communication helps you to preserve your nappy stash for looks and for eventual re-sale. There is a booming market in real cloth nappies - people like to try out styles before they invest in a whole stash, to find which suit their baby. If your nappies are in great condition because they have been used a lot less intensively due to using a baby potty, you can gain higher auction winnings!

2. Dabbling in Baby Pottying while using reusable cloth nappies helps you to reduce your washing load. (Studies have shown using cloth daily takes less than 5 minutes more than disposables - you'll be miles ahead very soon.) Not to mention the reduction in waste by using real nappies in the first place...

3. Practicing EC gives you the gift of ancient knowledge in caring for and connecting with your baby. It is a wonderful feeling to pull off your baby's dry nappy, give them a potty break and put them back into that same dry, warm nappy. This is what is called a regular timing break, such as when baby is on your lap and begins fussing or squirming.

4. Practicing 'Infant Potty Training' helps you to gain strategies for, and confidence in a gentle transition from nappies to knickers. As your baby has experienced using the potty from an early age, if you simply do that each day, your baby will not find potty training a daunting and scary experience, as so many toddlers do.

5. Even occasional potty use supports your baby's body awareness, making 'conventional toilet training' easier (for both you and baby), and probably earlier. Babies that have been supported to retain their in-born elimination awareness generally attain toilet independence much earlier than is the current 'norm', which is also getting later and later as disposable nappies become more advanced! The science behind them actually encourages your family to need costly throwaway nappies for months and months longer than was common even a few years ago.

6. Combining EC with hybrid Nappy systems such as Eenee Weenees and G-Diapers makes them even more environmentally friendly, and is becoming quite a popular option as a washable, reusable nappy cover can be used again and again, with either a cloth insert, or an insert that can be flushed down the toilet safely or composted in your backyard worm farm or compost pile.

7. Even ONE less nappy used per day will add up over time - to over 900+ less nappies to manage in 2.5 years. Considering many children are in nappies until over three, that means 1095 less nappies - though the experience of being part-time Nappy Free will likely mean your child will be in undies sooner than three years.

When practicing EC, nappies are no longer an essential you can't survive without - instead, you can simply use those nappies as knickers ... knickers with padding. The positive aspects are many, from saving money to helping protect the environment to enhancing your communication as your baby develops...

:wink: Remember: The Most Environmentally Friendly Nappy is the One Your Baby Doesn't 'Use' Today - Even Though They Are Wearing It!



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