Homeschooling week one (and a bit)

Permanent Link by Velvetsteph on Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:21 pm

Okay - so the day before we start homeschooling officially as it were, I have had gallbladder surgery (keyhole) so am feeling a bit sore and need to sit and recover!

So day one was dvds :oops: but that's ok - day -1 was DH taking the girls to the science museum and a ride on Thomas and some craft activities while I was in the hosp so actually I'd prefer to count that (and the whole of the summer hols really!!) as day one :lol:

We've been out to a few activities and done bits and bobs but then Isabelle was sick and missed her first day of forest school (one day a week) - good weekend away at my parents the girls did plenty with them - collecting conkers, pinecones and other woodland stuff and making pictures with granddad, baking with grandma, down the allotment helping out and so-on...

Back home and she's shattered and grumpy and full of a cold... EXTREMELY badly behaved!

So I'm tired and cranky and so is she, and the girls are bickering...


I know this will get easier and we don't need to do everything at once but I'm feeling very low today :(