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Cloth Nappy Passionata
Cloth Nappy Passionata
- November 2009
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   Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:17 pm
baby number 5....eeeek!
   Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:28 am

+ October 2009

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baby number 5....eeeek!

Permanent Linkby *tinkerbellarella* on Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:28 am

right, so thought i'd better write something pregnancy related now, no idea how far on we actually are just yet, all i know is Taliesin is just 21weeks old and i have to be at least 6 weeks pregnant. have been feeling vile so far this time, really sick, living on red bull like it should be drip fed, seems to be the only way to kick my energy off, but most things going down right now are coming back up pretty soon too, which is making me think this time it's a girl. i could be so wrong, but been on a sweet mission this time, whereas with taliesin it was a vinegary savoury thing we had going on. trying to get excited, but worried i won't have time for all my kids, or the energy, and everything so far feels v hard work, i'm just hoping it's meant to be and we will deal with this, generally me and si are quite strong couple wise, hoping this will be to our benefit. got my mw coming tomorrow to do my booking in appointment, scary, as i got stevie, same lady as last time!


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Re: baby number 5....eeeek!

Permanent Linkby littlesez on Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:20 pm

wow how exciting :) sure you said same thing with all your children aboiut not having time hun so it will be ok, very jealous of your big family and hoping for the same one day! keep us updated xxx

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