
Our life with acute myeloid leukemia

Just a diary I'm keeping after we found out on 9th June 2010 (our baby's first birthday) that my other half has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and how we get by (hopefully I'll be better with this than I am with a diary :giggle: )

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Permanent Linkby 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:05 pm

The sickness has decided to strike again, just when I thought it was over! Seems to be mid morning or mid afternoon and I really thought that it was gone. Even been actually sick again a couple of days ago :roll: I thought it was supposed to be on the wane by now! Made my first nappy related purchases (just a couple of wraps) but think I will try to hold off now until we know what we are having, would be easier if I stopped browsing the classifieds I'm sure :giggle: but I need to window shop!
Thinking about going to a local aquanatal class in a couple of weeks. The one I want to go to is in the village where my mum and dad live so I could get my mum to pick me up, take me down and look after Austin and then either collect me after or walk down there, depending how energetic I feel and then get a lift home :oops: . Need to look for a good maternity tankini first though I think.
On a weird note my stupid belly button is already starting to pop out!!!! What's that about!?!? Must mean I'm getting a proper bump :yahoo:


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