Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:52 pm ]
Blog Subject:  19 weeks

I didn't realize how long it had been since I had bogged so thought I best get on. Getting what I would call proper baby movements for the last few days, though they do make me wonder if what I felt before were actually baby at all :giggle: . The changes over the last few weeks have been strange, not so much physical but things I have noticed about myself or thing I have noticed about us and just things I have thought about. It sounds a bit silly but I got a rush of excitement (possibly the first real one I have had :oops: ) last week when it actually hit me that we will soon be a family of four! I know how silly it sounds to say that, I mean surely when you get pregnant you realize you will soon be a family of four but really it only truely hit me the other day! I need to try and work out how we explain to Austin that we will soon have a baby brother or sister for him nd work out how to make him understand that but I think it may just be when we have the baby here that he begins to understand. I just don't want him to feel pushed out :-?