Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:35 am ]
Blog Subject:  5+6: powering through

So I have known about this pregnancy for 4 days and had horrible nausea for 3 of those. Today I am working on powering through. For those that are new here, this is all new to me, I suffered no pregnancy symptoms with my boy and i am not enjoying them. OH had his last round of chemo for leukemia in November last year and we were warned it would likely take years for his fertility to return if it ever did. We were given the ok to ttc in May and here we are after only one cycle of actually trying :shock:
Anyway back to the purpose of my writing. Nausea is not my friend, I suspect we will have to spill the beans sooner than we would like as I feel shocking, and have already had to call in the reserves as it were. I feel like poo and my hormones aren't helping, but I am hoping I can power through today! It didn't start great as Austin woke at 5.30 but I have eaten an apple and a weetabix and while still nauseous I am doing my best. Next stop showering, teeth brushed and dressed.