Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:46 pm ]
Blog Subject:  6+5:eurgh

I went to bed last night with my determined head on. I was sure I could get up today and just ignore the morning sickness, apparently not.
Cue 1am and a police helicopter passing so low overhead it could have taken off the chimney and waking Austin up, well 2.20 and he's still awake and I could kill for some sleep. OH brings him down stairs and I get some more broken sleep until 4 when all goes quiet because A has fallen asleep on the sofa and I think I might get ome proper sleep. Then the stomach cramps start, 30 minutes later I am sat on the toilet, back to bed another 30 minutes passes, the I manage an hour, skip forward to 6ish and I think I'm getting a bit hungry. I pop downstairs get a banana (which I have started the last 5 days with) then manage to go back to sleep until 7 and wake up feeling worse than ever. So today was the first day of my morning sickness being so awful that I was actually sick and it didn't really get any better. Austin has been a ratty little toe rag all day and I have had to run up to the bathroom several times. Eating is not my friend. I don't fancy anything so when I force myself to eat, as you have to, it just results in me feeling worse.
I'm now stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can't eat because I feel so awful but I have to because not eating makes me feel worse. By the time the evening rolls around I don't feel so bad (except today, I could happily crawl under a rock) so I get some food down but this has been the longest week ever and I just want it to end. I want to enjoy being pregnant not resent every second I spend curled in a ball praying I don't have to be sick!
Today pregnancy is not my friend!