Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:01 pm ]
Blog Subject:  8+5

So I took my first "bump" picture today, more for comparing a time goes on than because I have an actual bump but it's something I wish I had done more of with Austin. It does interestingly show that my spine has given up and has a nice old curve to it already so I might need to make myself aware of that o I don't fall over all the time :giggle: .
Still feeling rough, in fact, after a few days of feeling quite good I would say that I feel a bit worse than before which I could do without really. Got my midwife appointment coming up this Tuesday coming so hopefully that will make it all feel a bit more real again as for the last few weeks I haven't felt pregnant, despite feeling like poo. It's odd but I guess it's just because I have no appointments and I haven't met my midwife and I can't feel baby yet and I have no bump and everything is just sort of carrying on as normal. Maybe once I have met the midwife and been for my scan it will all feel "official".
Think I might start saving for the birth pool about now though. I really want to have a home water birth this time and I think that if I do have the pool it might actually motivate m a bit more to stay at home and FC it will be the pain relief I need that I didn't have last time.
Only other thing to note is that the smell of chicken cooking makes me sick as a dog, I didn't really have anything like that while I was pregnant with Austin so it is another interesting thing to note down I suppose.


Author:  Bugglyboo [ Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:04 am ]

I could'nt stand any cooked meat. A roast dinner used to make me hide under a duvet with all the sides clamped down. The problem was that we lived with my in-laws and they had a roast EVERY Sunday :( Now that Ed is out, I can finally enjoy a roast again but it took 12 weeks after his birth until I really wanted one.
Your little teeny bump is so lovely :D