Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:31 pm ]
Blog Subject:  A Catch Up

So I thought it was about time I got back on this and gave a bit of an update. We got back off holiday last Friday and life has been almost back to normal. We had a lovely time in Northumberland, the weather was nice and we spent pretty much every day on the beach. Austin loved playing on the beach and paddling in the sea and having all the fresh air and sand and other children around him to play with (which just makes me more sad that we will have to wait so long for baby number 2). OH was allowed to have the whole holiday away with us even though he did have to miss a couple of days coming home for tests. Even when he came home we got a couple of extra days because his levels were still down but today he has had to go back to hospital :( . I'm a bit mad at myself for letting myself get so used to being a family again and having him around, I think even Austin has noticed that daddy went out and hasn't come home yet and that makes me even more sad :cry: . I miss him being at home even though it's only been a few hours. It' like the beginning of the treatment all over again and the first time he went in. We still have another treatment when this is all over as well!!!
On the up side I have just applied to do a couple of Open University courses but I'm not completely decided on what to do with them yet. I don't know if I would like to be a midwife but I think I would like to do something that side of things, I just want to find a career but I want something that would fit in with having a family (wouldn't we all). I think I'd like to be a doula but I have idea how you get into that as a profession. Anyway, rambling, off to catch up on some :knit:


Author:  fivefourfour [ Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:07 am ]

Hey lovie, :hugs: to you and your family. I'm glad you enjoyed the holiday, and I have fc that soon your whole life will be like that holiday.

Check out for some really great guides and references, especially ... _Doula.asp


Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:35 am ]

Thnks for that, will pop over for a looksee in a bit ;)