Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:25 pm ]
Blog Subject:  A night off?

Pah, I wish, I haven't even had time to get on here the last few nights, all because of the weather, it's too damn hot! Austin can't sleep so I have been stuck trying to get him to sleep until almost 10 for the last few nights and I'm exhausted. I'm behind with house work because when he finally sleeps I need to do the same and when he's not asleep I'm either looking after him or up at the hospital. It's all such a chore atm. I am happy though as OH isn't feeling too bad so it's almost like he's not ill when I go to see him so we can have a bit of a laugh. We have been warned though that he may start to feel a bit rubbish a couple of days after the chemo finishes. The biggest blow for me at the moment is that we were told the other day if we want to use the frozen sperm for another baby it's going to cost £3000! We don't have that sort of money so it looks like we have to keep our fingers crossed either OH's fertility comes back or at some point in the future we win the lottery. It's a huge blow as far as I'm concerned, I can't see Austin as an only child and I don't want to never have another baby but I want to have our baby :( it sounds so selfish but I just feel like I'm having my child rearing years stolen and I don't like the uncertainty that we may never have another baby :(


Author:  northernruth [ Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:34 pm ]

Sorry you are having a time with Austin's sleeping, remember he will be unsettled with the change with OH not being around, sounds obvious but easy to forget I know

Author:  clothmama [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:59 am ]

:hug: Oh no, I'm sure something will work out, things have a way of working out and his fertility may not be effected. Keep your chin up, I know it is hard when you are tired :hug:.