
Our life with acute myeloid leukemia

Just a diary I'm keeping after we found out on 9th June 2010 (our baby's first birthday) that my other half has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and how we get by (hopefully I'll be better with this than I am with a diary :giggle: )

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Cracking on

Permanent Linkby 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:07 pm

This is just a little self indulgence to remind myself what I can do when I need and want to. If you haven't seen my garden you don't know what sort of state it was in. Half of the paving slabs were so overgrown you couldn't even see where they were, it was ridiculous. Today on a 4 hour gardening session I have weeded and found the slabs :wine: it was a LOT of hard work though! It's just something I want to do so that when OH is allowed out for the break in his chemo we can enjoy our garden space. He's not feeling well today but we don't know if it's a result of the chemo or the infection so FC it's the infection and that will clear up soon and he can feel better, they have already changed the combo of anti-sickness drugs he is on so again FC that will help and he will be at least able to miss out the feel of nausea. Tomorrow I am determined to get a bit more of the garden done, we will be able to enjoy that space when OH comes home and with any luck we will be able to eat the only two carrots that are growing on the veg plot :giggle:


1 Comment Viewed 278790 times

Re: Cracking on

Permanent Linkby northernruth on Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:00 pm

Lisa, I'm so glad you have been able to find something constructive to do. Working with your hands can be meditative and help to calm a worried mind.

I read your post yesterday about "are you alright" and can totally relate to that, in a crises ppl are often keen to focus on the positives when all you want is someone to hold your hand while you howl at the moon.

Hope you have made good progress today and are well on the way to creating yourself a little oasis of calm in your garden, you will surely need it over the coming weeks and months.

Hope DH is coping better with the infection

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