Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:57 pm ]
Blog Subject:  First blog of the year.

Ok so I'm lazy and I probably should have done this before mid January but it's a bit late for that now and to be quite honest we've been a tad busy since Xmas. We haven't been up to much, I'm just in a good place at the moment. I don't think I have been much happier than I am now. When I'm not happy I'm content, and I think that is a really good thing. When we argue I would like to think it's not the end of the world (despite my tendency to need to think before I speak :oops: ). I think I have had a bit of a self realization over the last couple of weeks and it has helped me to make myself happier. Of course there are things I would like, a nice holiday abroad would be good :giggle: , another baby..... but these are things that will come with time, I'm now sure of it :mrgreen:
So folk, here's to a good start to a new year and looking forward :wine:


Author:  Woozle35 [ Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:44 pm ]

:wine: Great to hear hun xx

Author:  fivefourfour [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:15 pm ]

So glad to hear you're feeling better, sweetheart, really pleased for you. x