Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  0_Lisa_0 [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:50 pm ]
Blog Subject:  Hooray for good news

Today we got the news we had been hoping for; OH is in remission!!! He still has to have another couple of courses of chemo but it means there is an end in sight to all of this. It still means we have a while on our own :( but we can live with that if it means daddy will be home with us soon and well again. The best news for me at the minute is the fact we can carry on with our plans to TTC late next year (selfish though that may be), assuming all is well and OH's fertility comes back as the doctors expect. I think he's looking forward to the fact that we will be able to have another baby as much as I am though and it will be nice to have a positive outcome to look forward to at the end of all this. We're trying to plan some nice things to look forward to but it's hard when you have very little money. We're missing the first holiday we would have had together as he will be in have treatment so we've talked about a decent holiday next year but the only thing we both really want to do is visit Disney World in Florida (Austin would also be just aware enough of everything to make it worth it a bit more for him) but it means that we will have to put the wedding off for a bit but his mum and dad have offered to go too and they will then help pay which I guess would be nice. I just wish we had the money to do something nice for him when he comes home, but I am so so so happy that we have got some good news.


Author:  Woozle35 [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:01 pm ]

Such wonderful news Lisa. I am so pleased for the three of you. xxxxx

Author:  JabberJabber [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:00 pm ]

Excellent, excellent news!